
Demo showing how to use WPGraphQL as the source for Gatsby Sites

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repository serves as an example of how to build a Gatsby site using WordPress as the CMS, WPGraphQL as the API and Gatsby Source GraphQL as the data source.

This example repo should no longer be considered "the best" way to use Gatsby and GraphQL anymore. Instead of using Gatsby Source GraphQL, we recommend using Gatsby Source WordPress Experimental, which will soon become the official Gatsby Source WordPress.

You can read more about why previous versions of Gatsby Source WordPress and Gatsby Source GraphQL are not ideal, and why Gatsby is investing in the new Gatsby Source WordPress Experimental plugin in this WPTavern article: https://wptavern.com/new-gatsby-source-wordpress-plugin-now-in-beta

Gatsby Gatsby

Gatsby + WPGraphQL Blog Example

This is an example Gatsby site using WPGraphQL as the source.

WordCamp Talk

This repo was created specifically for showcasing the capabilities of WPGraphQL and how it can be used in many ways. One particular use is with GatsbyJS. The WordCamp talk this repo was created for can be seen here: https://wordpress.tv/2019/03/08/jason-bahl-building-static-sites-with-wordpress-gatsby-and-wpgraphql/


Quick video showing setup of the Gatsby site locally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkIuuZ5gZNk

WordPress Source

The WordPress where the content is managed lives here: https://demo.wpgraphql.com

Screenshot of the WordPress source site

Gatsby Site

The Live Gatsby site is at: https://gatsby-wpgraphql-blog-example.netlify.com/

Screenshot of the Gatsby site


Below are features of the Gatsby site that are all sourced via WPGraphQL Queries, so the data is managed in WordPress, but is pulled into the Gatsby site and rendered there:

  • ✅ Menus
  • ✅ Pages
  • ✅ Paginated Blogroll/homepage
  • ✅ Single Posts
  • ✅ Authors
  • ✅ Categories
  • ✅ Tags