
✗ [DEPRECATED] ABN AMRO - iDEAL Easy driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

Primary LanguagePHP

[DEPRECATED] WordPress Pay Gateway: ABN AMRO - iDEAL Easy

ABN AMRO - iDEAL Easy driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

Test Account

Option Value
URL https://internetkassa.abnamro.nl/ncol/test/orderstandard.asp


Create test config

POST_ID=`wp post create --post_type=pronamic_gateway --post_title='ABN AMRO - iDEAL Easy - Test' --post_status=publish --porcelain`
wp post meta update $POST_ID '_pronamic_gateway_id' 'abnamro-ideal-easy'
wp post meta update $POST_ID '_pronamic_gateway_mode' 'test'
wp post meta update $POST_ID '_pronamic_gateway_ogone_psp_id' 'TESTiDEALEASY'

Production Environment

Payment Server URL: https://internetkassa.abnamro.nl/ncol/prod/orderstandard.asp

Test Environment

Payment Server URL: https://internetkassa.abnamro.nl/ncol/test/orderstandard.asp