=== NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster ===

Contributors: NextScripts
Donate link: http://www.nextscripts.com/social-networks-auto-poster-for-wordpress
Tags: automation, autopost, auto-post, auto post, socialnetworks, socialnetwork, social networks, social network, facebook, Flipboard, google, google+, Flickr, twitter, google plus, pinterest, tumblr, blogger, blogspot, blogpost, linkedin, delicious, delicious.com, reddit, reddit.com, plugin, links, Post, posts, api, automatic, seo, scoop.it, integration, bookmark, bookmarks, admin, images, image, social, sharing, share, repost, re-post, wordpress.com, StumbleUpon, Diigo, vBulletin, Plurk, forums, vKontakte, open graph, LiveJournal, SETT, YouTube, Kippt, xing
Requires at least: 3.4
Tested up to: 4.3.1
Stable tag: 3.4.24
License: GPLv2 or later

Automatically re-publishes blogposts to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Blogger, Tumblr, Delicious, Plurk, etc profiles and/or pages

== Description ==

**This plugin automatically publishes posts from your blog to your Social Network accounts** such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+(Google Plus), Blogger, Tumblr, Flickr, LiveJournal, Flipboard, DreamWidth, Delicious, Diigo, Instapaper, Stumbleupon, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Plurk, VKontakte(VK.com), YouTube, App.net, Scoop.It, Wordpress, XING etc. The whole process is completely automated. Just write a new post and either entire post or it's nicely formatted announcement with backlink will be published to all your configured social networks. You can reach the most audience and tell all your friends, readers and followers about your new post. Plugin works with profiles, business pages, community pages, groups, etc. Messages are 100% customizable and adopted for each network requirements.

**ALL NEW SNAP for Wordpress Version 4 is coming soon...**

More V4 info: http://www.nextscripts.com/tag/v4/

* **Latest version 3.4** - New networks - XING, Kippt, compatibility with WP 3.9, 4.0, 4.1 and PHP 5.5. 
* *Version 3.3* - Post to all social accounts without creating a Wordpress Post. New networks - Flickr, Flipboard, SETT and Scoop.It. 
* *Version 3.0* - Auto-repost existing posts, autoposting query, select what image to use for autopost, "Custom URLs" for posts, New networks: App.net, Reddit and deviantart.com
* *Version 2.7* - YouTube Support, FriendFeed support, Auto-import comments from Facebook and Twitter as Wordpress Comments, goo.gl and YOURLS support, ability to spin message text
* *Version 2.6* - Better Interface, DreamWidth support, Instapaper support, ability to auto-import comments from social networks
* *Version 2.5* - Export/Import Plugin settings, direct links to the published posts from the "Edit" page, ability to assign categories to each Social Network. LiveJournal Support.  
* *Version 2.4* - "Image" posts for Facebook and Twitter, bit.ly support, Plurk Support
* *Version 2.3* - Google+ image posts, delayed postings (Pro Only), new networks - Stumbleupon, vBulletin, Diigo

= Supported Networks =

* **App.net** - Autopost to your account.
* **Blogger/Blogspot** - Autopost to your blog. HTML is supported.
* **Delicious** - Auto-submit bookmark to your account. 
* **Deviantart.com** - Autopost to your blog. HTML is supported.
* **Diigo** - Auto-submit bookmark to your account. 
* **Evernote/postach.io** - Auto-post to your Evernote account or postach.io blog.
* **Facebook** - Autopost to your profile, business page, community page, or Facebook group page. Ability to attach your blogpost to Facebook post. Ability to make "Image" posts.
* **Flickr** - Autopost images to your photostream and/or sets. Tags are supported. 
* **Flipboard** (*with third party API library*) - post to your magazines.
* **Instapaper** - Auto-submit bookmark to your account. 
* **Google+** (*with third party API library*) - Autopost to your profile, business page or community. Ability to attach your blogpost to Google+ post. Ability to make "Image" posts.
* **Kippt** - Auto-submit links to your blogpost to your Kippt list.
* **LinkedIn** - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach your blogpost to LinkedIn post. Autopost to LinkedIn Company pages and/or Groups (*with third party API library*)
* **LiveJournal** - Auto-submit your blogpost to LiveJournal blog or community. "LiveJournal Engine" based website DreamWidth.org is also supported. 
* **Pinterest** (*with third party API library*) - Pin your blogpost's featured image to your Pinterest board.
* **Reddit** (*with third party API library*) - post to your subreddits.
* **Scoop.It** - Autopost to your "Topics". Ability to attach your blogpost to scoop. Ability to make "Image" posts.
* **SETT** - Auto-post to your Sett.com blog.
* **Stumbleupon** - Auto-submit bookmark to your account. 
* **Tumblr** - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach your blogpost to Tumblr post. HTML is supported.
* **Twitter** - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach Image to tweets.
* **Plurk**  - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach Image to messages.
* **vBulletin** - Auto-submit your blogpost to vBulletin forums. Could create new threads or new posts.
* **vKontakte(VK.com)** - Autopost to your profile or group page. Ability to attach your blogpost to vk.com post. Ability to make "Image" posts.
* **Wordpress** - Auto-submit your blogpost to another blog based on Wordpress. This options includes Wordpress.com, Blog.com, etc..
* **YouTube** (*with third party API library*) - Post messages to your YouTube channel feed. If blogpost has youtube reference it will be attached.
* **XING** - Post text messages or share links.

... more networks are coming soon ...

* (*with third party API library*) means that you need to have at least "Run-Time Edition" of <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/snap-api/">SNAP Universal API</a>. SNAP API Run-Time Edition is included in the <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/social-networks-auto-poster-for-wp-multiple-accounts">SNAP Pro Plugin</a>.

**Plugin makes 100% White Labeled Posts** The main idea behind the plugin is to give you the ability to promote only yourself. Plugin uses your own apps and all posts to all networks come only from you. No "Shared via NextScripts.com" or "Posted by SNAP for Wordpress" messages.

Please see <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/installation-of-social-networks-auto-poster-for-wordpress/">complete installation instructions with screenshots</a>

**Free and Pro Plugin Features** <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/snap-features/">Please see more detailed features list</a>

* Message Formatting Tags
* Assign categories to each Social Network
* Tags/Categories posted as Hashtags
* Auto-import comments from Facebook as WordPress Comments
* Auto-import replies and mentions from and Twitter as WordPress Comments
* URL Shorteners: bit.ly, goo.gl, YOURLS and built in WordPress URL Shortener
* Additional URL Parameters 
* Custom URLs for AutoPosts 
* Export/Import Plugin settings
* See direct links to the published posts from the "Edit" page
* "Image" posts for Facebook, Google+, Vkontakte and Twitter
* Ability to "Spin" message post templates
* Auto re-posting of the old posts

**Also included exclusively in the <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/social-networks-auto-poster-for-wp-multiple-accounts">SNAP Pro Plugin</a>**

* Ability to make Scheduled and Delayed postings
* Auto-repost existing random posts from from specific dates or "older then N days and younger then X days".
* Limit random or one-by-one auto-reposting for specific days of the week and times. (like Monday-Friday from 8AM to 7PM Only)
* Reddit Autoposting Support
* LinkedIn Company Pages Autoposting support
* Advanced Autoposting to Blogger
* [Limited Time Only - included to "Pro" for free] Google+ Autoposting Support ($49.95 value)
* [Limited Time Only - included to "Pro" for free] Pinterest Autoposting Support ($49.95 value)

**Get Support**

<a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/support/">Contact support/Open Support Ticket</a>

== Installation ==

You need to have account with either Facebook, Tumblr, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Blogger, Twitter, Delicious, Diigo, Plurk, LiveJournal, Stumbleupon, DreamWidth or all of them.

**Very detailed installation instructions with screenshots are located here:** http://www.nextscripts.com/installation-of-social-networks-auto-poster-for-wordpress 

How to setup each type of Social Network

* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-facebook-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Facebook Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-twitter-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Twitter Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-google-plus-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Google+ Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-pinterest-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Pinterest Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-tumblr-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Tumblr Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-linkedin-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">LinkedIn Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-blogger-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Blogger Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-delicious-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Delicious Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-wp-based-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Blog.com/Wordpress.com Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-diigo-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Diigo Configuration</a>
* <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/setup-installation-plurk-social-networks-auto-poster-wordpress/">Plurk Configuration</a>

**More Networks/Instructions here:** http://www.nextscripts.com/installation-of-social-networks-auto-poster-for-wordpress 

Having problems? Please check out the <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/troubleshooting-social-networks-auto-poster">Troubleshooting FAQ</a> page.

**Get Support**

<a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/support/">Contact support/Open Support Ticket</a>

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is the difference between "Free" and "Pro" versions? =

Free plugin is limited to one account per each type of connected networks. In other words you can add 1 Facebook, AND 1 Twitter AND 1 LinkedIn AND 1 etc ... accounts in the "Free" version. This is enough for about 95% of users.

<a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/social-networks-auto-poster-for-wp-multiple-accounts">SNAP Pro Plugin</a> is NOT limited in number of accounts per each type of connected networks.  You can add 10 (or 100) Facebook, AND 15 Twitter AND 5 LinkedIn AND 25 etc ... accounts in the "Pro" version. 

Please see more here: <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/social-networks-auto-poster-pro-for-wordpress-compare-editions//">Compare Editions</a>

=  What networks in your auto-poster plugin are free and what are not? Why some networks are not free? =

All networks except Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn Company Pages are available for free.

It really depends on the availability of the free API from the Social Network itself.
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn and others have a very good and powerful free APIs that could be used for publishing posts. Those networks are free for you. Some networks like Google+ and Pinterest don't have API or have a read-only API that doesn't allow to make posts. We had to create our own API libraries for such networks and those libraries are available separately for some fee.

=  Does the free plugin support Wordpress Multisite (ex-WPMU)? =

Free plugin does not support Wordpress Multisite. There is a separate "Pro for WPMU" plugin available for Wordpress Multisite. Please see more here: <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/social-networks-auto-poster-pro-for-wordpress-compare-editions//">Compare Editions</a>

= Can I use it just for Twitter (Facebook, LinkedIn, Delicious) or it requires all networks to be set? =

Sure you can use it for just one or two networks.

= Can it post to Facebook and Google+ pages? Not to profiles, but to pages. =

Yes, it can. Specify page IDs in the settings, and it will post to pages. 

= Why it's not so easy to setup? Why do I need all those apps? There are other plugins (Jetpack Publicize, Linksalpha Network Publisher, etc ) that could do it much easier. =

There is a major difference between SNAP and other auto-posting plugins. Plugin MUST use an "App" to make posts. if plugin doesn't ask you to create your own app, it will use an app set by plugin author. Yes, it's easier to setup but it means that with every post you make you will promote that plugin author to all your friends and followers. All those posts will be marked as "Shared via Wordpress.com" or "posted by Linksalpha". SNAP gives you an ability to setup your own apps and promote only yourself. We have a very detailed and illustrated setup instructions and our support can help you with that. We believe that it's well worth to spend your time by setting it up, instead of doing free advertisement for somebody else.

Please see more <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/faq/">Frequently asked questions</a>

== Screenshots ==

1. Add new post metadata box (Pro Version)
2. Settings Page (Pro Version)
3. Facebook: Types of Post 
4. Google+: Types of Post 

== Changelog ==

= 3.4.25 [09/21/2015] =

* SNAP has been selected to be added to translate.wordpress.org. This release brings compatibility with it. 

= 3.4.24 [09/16/2015] =

* Bug Fix - [Critical] Some users have "Log/History" and "New Post" tabs blank after 3.4.23 update. 

= 3.4.23 [09/15/2015] =

* New - Wordpress 4.3.1 Compatibility
* New - New setting - How to separate hashtags.
* New/Bug Fix [Facebook] Support for new automatic page naming structure (pagename-pageID, example: https://www.facebook.com/nextscripts-270851199672443/). It was causing #803 error. 
* FYI - Facebook no longer allows posting to secret groups if you are not an admin. It is causing "Unsupported post request" error. More info: http://gd.is/fbe2

= 3.4.22 [08/20/2015] =

* New - New URL Shortener - u.to - Simple and anonymous use only. No accounts, no stats.
* Bug Fix - Workaround for annoying Google Chrome "auto-fill" issue casing "ghost" accounts to be added on each "Settings Save" 
* Bug Fix - Some minor code improvements. 

= 3.4.21 [07/09/2015] =

* New/Bug Fix - [Urgent][Critical] Facebook API 2.4 Compatibility. Usage of API 2.4 was causing "Invalid Scopes: user_groups" and other problems breaking autoposting to Facebook. 

= 3.4.20 [07/06/2015] =

* New - Emoji support. (http://www.nextscripts.com/snap-features/emoji-support/)
* Bug Fix - [Critical] Some users are unable to add new Blogger account with NextScripts API.

= 3.4.19 [07/02/2015] =

* New/Bug Fix - [Critical] Support for Blogger oAuth 2.0 API. Blogger(Google) has discontinued support for "ClientLogin" authentication method that SNAP was using for several years. All Blogger accounts must be removed and re-added with oAuth 2.0 authentication method. (Free Plugin Only) 
* Improvement - Improved "Filter by tags" feature.
* Bug Fix - Fix for Fatal error: Cannot redeclare nxs_noLiGrps() 
* [XING] Improved connection stability.
* [Instapapper] fix for broken URL parameters.

= 3.4.18 [05/18/2015] =

* Bug Fix - [Critical] Fix "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in '***' on line 37". 
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Improved Security 

= 3.4.17 [05/15/2015] =

* New/Improvement - Wordpress 4.2.2 compatibility.
* New/Bug Fix - [Critical] LinkedIn (May 2015) Principal API changes compatibility. Fixes all posting and authorization issues. 
* [LinkedIn] [Breaking change] Groups are no longer supported via native LinkedIn API. 
* [LinkedIn] New, more clear LinkedIn configuration interface. 
* [LinkedIn] New post type: Image. (NextScripts API ONLY). (Profile and Company pages ONLY).
* [Flickr] Flickr can post latitude and longitude info from post meta fields geo_latitude and geo_longitude. Thanks to petermolnar for the code. 
* Improvement - Performance and stability improvements for all Google services - Google+, Blogger, YouTube

= 3.4.16 [03/26/2015] =

* New/Bug Fix - [Critical] Facebook API 2.3 Compatibility. Usage of API 2.3 was causing "ERROR(#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action"
* New - New URL Shortener - x.co
* New - Facebook videos are now supported for Facebook Video posts in addition to YouTube and Vimeo.
* Notice - FriendFeed has been shut down permanently. It has been removed from SNAP.
* Notice - DeviantArt API is being extremely unstable and buggy on their side for the last several months. Until further notice DeviantArt connector is provided "as is". Please use it on your own risk. 

= 3.4.15 [03/12/2015] =

* Bug Fix - [Critical] %TITLE% and some other message formatting tags were broken in the version 3.4.14

= 3.4.14 [03/11/2015] =

* Improvement - compatibility with QTranslate-X
* Improvement - compatibility with new Facebook rules regarding video thumbnails.
* Improvement - updated Facebook configuration interface. 
* Bug Fix - po.st connection issues. 
* Bug Fix - [Reset All SNAP Data] link wasn't working in some environments.
* Bug Fix - [StumbleUpon] Fix for some connections issues.

= 3.4.12 [02/23/2015] =

* New - New URL Shortener - clk.im
* New - New URL Shortener - po.st
* New - "Force Shortened Links" option as well as "Shorten URL" checkbox on post settings will force shortened links to be used as attachments where possible. 
* New - %ANNOUNCER% tag will insert the rest of the post left from %ANNOUNCE% tag.
* New - %AUTHORTWNAME% tag will insert @twitter username from the user settings.
* Improvement - [Twitter] More useful info on image errors.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - %HCT-CustomTaxonomy% will replace spaces in tags.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - [Flickr] More useful info on errors.
* Bug Fix - [XING] Broken XING category exclusion/inclusion 

= 3.4.10 [02/02/2015] =

* Improvement/Bug Fix - compliance with new LinkedIn API changes causing "(#400) 'submitted-image-url' can not be empty" error
* New - Twitter - ability to post Tweets as replies

= 3.4.9 [01/28/2015] =

* New - %CT-CustomTaxonomy% and %HCT-CustomTaxonomy% tags for custom taxonomies.
* Bug Fix - %CF-CustomFieldName% was broken by the 3.4.8

= 3.4.8 [01/26/2015] =

* Improvement/Bug Fix - compliance with new Facebook API changes causing "(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (access_token) on node type (Group)" error
* Bug Fix - Diigo - was ignoring custom URL selection. 
* Bug Fix - Don't keep errors in the DB is "Email errors" isn't checked.
* Bug Fix - Some minor issues.

= 3.4.7 [12/26/2014] =

* Improvement - Wodrpress 4.1 Compatibility
* Bug Fix - Flickr - "Invalid signature" problem.
* Bug Fix - Sett - fix for "You need to provide a name" error.
* Bug Fix - Some minor issues.

= 3.4.6 [12/09/2014] =

* Bug Fix - fixed corrupted file from 3.4.5

= 3.4.5 [12/08/2014] =

* New [Tumblr] - New option: Set post date.
* New [Tumblr] - New option: Fill source URL.
* Bug Fix - [Wordpress.org] "301 Moved Permanently" error message has been fixed.
* Bug Fix - [Instapaper] "Created" error message has been fixed.

= 3.4.4 [11/17/2014] =

* New - New network "XING". Post  text messages or share links to your personal account. 
* Improvement - Performance and memory usage improvement
* Bug Fix - [Diigo] "301" error message has been fixed.

= 3.4.3 [09/17/2014] =

* Improvement - Full Wordpress 4.0 compatibility including fixed for all "deprecated" notices.
* Improvement - Better handling of Twitter characters limit.
* New - %CT-CustomTaxonomy% tag (Twitter only for now)
* Bug Fix - "Verify Featured Image" checkbox in the settings tab was not working along with functionality it should turn on.
* Bug Fix - "Filter posts by tags" was broken.
* Bug Fix - "Filter posts by categories" was not working in some environments involving third party automated posts or scheduled posts
* Bug Fix -  "Incorrect import file" message when importing previously exported file. (Actual problem was with "Export")
* Bug Fix - Duplicate "Update Settings" button.
* Bug Fix - [LinkedIn] ugly error messages.
* Bug Fix - [Plurk] - missing token error.

= 3.4.2 [07/16/2014] =

* Bug Fix - Fix for Broken Visual Editor. TinyMCE 4.0 compatibility broke earlier TinyMCE versions. 

= 3.4.1 [07/16/2014] =

* New - New network "Kippt". Post your blogpost links to your Kippt Lists. 
* Improvement - Full PHP 5.5 compatibility including fixed for all "deprecated" notices.
* Improvement - Full Wordpress 3.9 and TinyMCE 4.0 compatibility including fixed for all "deprecated" notices.
* Bug Fix - Checkboxes/Radiobuttons got incorrectly unchecked 
* Bug Fix - [Facebook] Fix for "Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request" problem.
* Bug Fix - [Facebook] Fix for posting to boards with international characters in URL.
* Bug Fix - [Facebook] "Unsupported post request" error.
* Bug Fix - [Facebook] Broken ability to post to the hidden groups. 
* Bug Fix - [Blogger] "Incorrect JSON" error.
* Bug Fix - [Pinterest] Invalid log entry. "TEST".
* Bug Fix - [Twitter] Wrong codes (like &#8212;).
* Bug Fix - [VK] Better support for phone verification.
* Bug Fix - [SETT] Fix for "Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request" problem.
* Bug Fix - If you put 4 minutes in the dropdown for the Posting Delay, it returns 45 minutes.

= 3.3.9 [06/06/2014] =

* New - New tag %ORID% - will insert wordpress post ID.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - [Flickr] Fix for empty error message problem.
* Bug Fix - [LinkedIn] Fix for some connection issues when URL has special chars.
* Bug Fix - [Pinterest] Fix for posting to boards with international characters in URL.

= 3.3.8 [05/30/2014] =

* Improvement/Bug Fix - [Flickr] Fix for "SSL is required" problem.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Compatibility with "Page Builder" plugin.
* Bug Fix - [LinkedIn] Fix for impossible captcha authorization.
* Bug Fix - [LinkedIn] Fix for huge array message.
* Bug Fix - [Pinterest] Fix for incorrect links to created pins
* Bug Fix - [Plurk] Better error handling. No more empty error messages.
* Bug Fix - [DeviantArt] Better error handling. No more empty error messages.
* Bug Fix - [FriendFeed] No more ugly messages during the post.

= 3.3.7 [05/09/2014] =

* [Critical] Googd news!  Facebook backed down on app review requirement. You no longer need to submit your app for review. This version revises this. Please see full story here: <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/known-issues/facebook-issues/">www.nextscripts.com/known-issues/facebook-issues</a>
* Bug Fix - Debug Facebook URL message has been removed. 

= 3.3.6 [05/09/2014] =

* [Critical] Bug Fix - Facebook - Facebook API 2.0 Compatibility. Please see here: <a href="http://www.nextscripts.com/known-issues/facebook-issues/">www.nextscripts.com/known-issues/facebook-issues</a>
* Improvement - Compatibility to up to Wordpress 3.9.1.
* Improvement - Added support for Twitter multiline posts.
* Improvement - Twitter - Better 140 characters cut if a lot of tags used.
* Bug Fix - Contributors can't submit posts for review.
* Bug Fix - app.net authorization issues. (like "Please contact the website that sent you here and let them know that there is a problem with the authorization URL")
* Bug Fix - DeviantArt connection problems.
* Bug Fix - Delicious connection problems.
* Bug Fix - Delicious broken tags.

= 3.3.4 [04/11/2014] =

* Bug Fix - LinkedIn troubles with entering captcha
* Bug Fix - LinkedIn "Array - Array" Error
* Bug Fix - Plurk "Array" message removed
* Bug Fix - LiveJournal "Array" message removed
* Bug Fix - Sett error "You need to enter a name and email address"
* Bug Fix - Twitter "over 140 characters" error when too many tags are used.

= 3.3.3 [04/07/2014] =

* Bug Fix/Improvement - Connection to Facebook has been updated to comply with new requirements. This will fix all "(#100) Tried accessing unexisting field (access_token) on node type (User)" errors.

= 3.3.2 [04/02/2014] =

* New - New network "SETT". Post your blogposts to your Sett Blog. 
* Bug Fix - LinkedIn Connection issues. 
* Bug Fix - Entries like nxs_snap_sh_ have been removed from "Custom Fields" list
* Bug Fix - Many minor bugs. 

= 3.3.1 [03/12/2014] =

* New/Improvement - More advanced auto-reposting configuration. You can now control what should happen when it's finished. You can turn it of, keep it in waiting mode, or reset and auto-start from the beginning. 
* Improvement - Flipboard is now able so set custom URL for autoposting. 
* Bug Fix - API message after the tumblr post has been removed.
* Bug Fix - Cron check could produce inconclusive results.

= 3.3.0 [03/06/2014] =

* New - New network "Flipboard". Post your links to your magazine. 
* Improvement - A lot of code, error handling and interface optimizations and improvements. 
* Improvement - Plugin is not using 47kb of official Facebook API for PHP anymore. Facabook autoposting is now more stable and faster.
* Improvement - Auto-Reposting functionality will be disabled if WP Cron is not configured correctly. 
* Improvement - Plugin show how many posts is included in auto-reposting on the settings page.
* Bug Fix - Many bug fixes and improvements to the "Auto-Reposting" and "Posts from Query" functionality.
* Bug Fix - Checkboxes with selected categories were not saving correctly.
* Bug Fix - Google+ - custom URL postings were incorrect.
* Bug Fix - Tumblr is now working "New Post to Social Networks"

= 3.2.3 [02/07/2014] =

* Improvement - More networks show the links to the created posts in the log. 
* Bug Fix - Flickr was missing from the "add new network" list
* Bug Fix - Reddit failed to retrieve reddits with "Moderation" rights.
* Bug Fix - Fixed(removed) an ability for super admin to disable himself for WPMU installations. 
* Bug Fix - Twitter - %ANOUNCE% tag was causing message to go over 140 characters. 

= 3.2.2 [02/05/2014] =

* New - New network "Flickr". Post your images to your photostream and/or sets. Tags are supported. 
* Improvement - Some networks show the links to the created posts in the log. 
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Compatibility with plugins that hijack all requests with the word 'ajax'.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Compatibility with custom "post transition" statuses. 
* Bug Fix - Google+ - Fixed additional URL parameters.
* Bug Fix - "New Post to social networks" fixed problem with " become \"
* Bug Fix - "New Post to social networks" link is visible only to people who can use SNAP.
* Bug Fix - Broken tabs and "-1" messages on WPMU installations. 

= 3.2.1 [01/30/2014] =

* [Critical] Bug Fix - Facebook module could overwrite post type to "Text Only" for existing posts.
* New - New Post to social networks without creating Wordpress post link is now in the top "New" menu.
* Bug Fix - fixed link [Enabled/Disabled for Repost according to Categories/Tags/Taxonomies filters] (yes, again)

= 3.2.0 [01/29/2014] =

* New - Post to social networks without creating Wordpress post. 
* New - New network "Scoop.It". Make text posts, link posts, or image posts. Post with tags. 
* New - New LinkedIn Showcase pages are supported. (Pro Only) 
* Improvement/Bug Fix - New interface for checkboxes for networks with excluded categories.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - %EXCERPT% tags won't cut the actual excerpt to 300 characters anymore. 
* Bug Fix - fized link [Enabled/Disabled for Repost according to Categories/Tags/Taxonomies filters]
* Bug Fix - Stability improvements to re-posting functionality.

= 3.1.2 [01/15/2014] =

* [Critical] Bug Fix - [ERROR] (#100) actions should be a JSON-encoded dictionary with 'name' and 'link' keys
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Plugin will import all comments from Facebook posts, not just the first 100.  
* Bug Fix - Plugin were re-posting the same "Sticky" post in some configurations.  

= 3.1.1 [01/14/2014] =

* Improvement/Bug Fix - Update for Jan 14 Twitter API change - requirement for ONLY secured SSL connections
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Better compatibility with some WP Admin themes - like fixed missing "Update Settings" button 
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Stability improvements and better error handling for Wordpress based sites.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Some fixes, improvements and optimizations to the re-posting functionality.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - More clear interface for category filters. 
* Bug Fix - Missing Twitter image on servers without proper "Content-Length" header
* Bug Fix - Duplicate categories filter for Twitter has been removed. 
* Bug Fix - vBulletin module optimization and better error handling.
* Bug Fix - General options were getting overwritten by post options in some configurations. 
* Bug Fix - Memory limit problem for servers with more then 1GB of allowed for PHP memory. 

= 3.1.0 [12/12/2013] =

* New - Wordpress 3.8 Compatibility
* New - New Ajax based settings page - 7 times lighter and faster. 
* New - Filter autoposting by tags and custom taxonomies. 
* New - Ability to set all posts "Enabled/Disabled for repost" according to the Categories/Tags/Custom Taxonomies filters
* Improvement - Performance/compatibility improvement with latest LastPass extension. 
* Improvement - Better compatibility with SSL.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - HTML tags and shortcodes are now removed from Facebook attached titles. 
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Compatibility with new LinkedIn security feature "We just sent you the code". 
* Bug Fix - Facebook - wrong image was selected for "Image" posts in some configurations.
* Bug Fix - broken reposting if "Newer then XX Days" value is too big. 
* Bug Fix - FriendFeed was ignoring message format and posting checkbox. 
* Bug Fix - Incorrect display of "Time to Post" for scheduled posts. 
* Bug Fix - incorrect "Autopost Cancelled" messages. 

= 3.0.9 [11/22/2013] =

* New - %FULLTITLE% tag will insert processed title.
* Bug Fix - YouTube - Google+ page setting were not saved.
* Bug Fix - LinkedIn - Titles for groups were ignored.
* Bug Fix - Set Time was not working in Firefox.
* Bug Fix - Plurk authorization problems.
* Bug Fix - Individual Category Excluded was breaking autoposting.
* Bug Fix - Wordpress [caption] tag were broken

= 3.0.8 [11/18/2013] =

* Improvement/Bug Fix - OG:Image will be taken the same way as "Post image", not as small thumbnail. 
* Bug Fix - Language/Localization files were not working.
* Bug Fix - Wordpress to Wordpress - Excerpts were incorrectly encoded. 
* Bug Fix - Reset reposting time after the change. 
* Bug Fix - Check if posts status is still "Published" at autoposting time. 
* Bug Fix - Reposting wasn't working if dates were out of bounds.
* Bug Fix - Repost only previously unautoposted posts checkbox was not saved.

= 3.0.7 [11/13/2013] =

* Improvement/Bug Fix - Pinterest no longer allows shortened URLs. Option has been removed.
* Bug Fix - Auto-reposting self disabling issues. 
* Bug Fix - Pinterest was ignoring default image.
* Bug Fix - Several small bug fixes and improvements.

= 3.0.6 [11/08/2013] =

* Important Notice - Reddit support has been removed due to abuse. http://gd.is/trdx 
* New - Auto-Repost for Custom Post Types.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Blogger - Better errors handling for free API
* Bug Fix - LinkedIn - Incorrect URL encoding for attached links
* Bug Fix - Tumblr - Test button was incorrectly retuning 404 error.
* Bug Fix - Deviantart - fix for "Couldn't resolve host 'xxxxxxxxxxx.deviantart.com"
* Bug Fix - "&" symbol in the settings were causing some issues. 
* Bug Fix - Post setting "Include/Exclude from reposting" was ignored on some configurations. 

= 3.0.5 [11/05/2013] =

* Improvement - Some code optimization for WMPU, should improve performance on busy sites.
* Improvement/Bug Fix - Some code optimization for better stability. Should fix missing posts.
* Bug Fix - Facebook - "Image" post were missing image or taking the wrong image.
* Bug Fix - "Lost" Featured images in some installations with altered themes.

= 3.0.4 [11/03/2013] =

* Important Notice - 64MB of allowed PHP memory is mandatory.  
* Bug Fix - plugin was ignoring some externally/automatically created posts.
* Bug Fix - Import settings button was broken.
* Bug Fix - Repost only previously unautoposted posts checkbox was not saved.
* Bug Fix - trash_to_publish event should be excluded from the log. 
* Bug Fix - Twitter was ignoring selected image.
* Bug Fix - Blogger - incorrect "Unfinished setup" message.
* Bug Fix - Twitter - broken qTransalte for Twitter format.
* Bug Fix - Reddit - title and message format problems. 
* Bug Fix - LiveJournal - Test button was broken

= 3.0.3 [11/03/2013] =

* Bug Fix - Broken/Incorrect WPMU Pages and Sites management
* Bug Fix - Facebook text format issue.
* Bug Fix - Settings Page layout fixes.

= 3.0.2 [11/01/2013] =

* Bug Fix - Blank pages on some sites after 2.7->3.0 update

= 3.0.1 [11/01/2013] =

* New - Major release with a lot of new and improved features. 
* New - Auto-repost existing and already posted posts based on some rules � one-by-one from old to new, one-by-one from new to old, from specific dates, "older then N days and younger then X days".
* New - Add auto-posts to the query that will be posted according to some specified rules (like "two posts per hour")
* New - Select what image to use for "Image" and "Attachment" post types if post has several images
* New - Custom URL for posts
* New - App.net Support
* New - Reddit Support
* New - Deviantart Support
* New - Reset all Settings for existing posts.
* New - Extended debug info.
* New - Ability to send errors by email.
* New - New Option � How to handle spaces in hashtags.
* Improvement - Comments import has been completely redone. Disqus and usernames should be correct now.
* Improvement - Code was optimized for lighter footprint

= 1.0.0 - 2.7.22 [10/26/2013] =

Here: http://www.nextscripts.com/snap-wp-changelog.txt

== Upgrade Notice ==

Just replace plugin files, the rest will be updated automatically.

== Other/Copyrights ==

Plugin Name: Next Scripts Social Networks Auto-Poster

Plugin URI: http://www.nextscripts.com/social-networks-auto-poster-for-wordpress

Description: This plugin automatically publishes posts from your blog to your Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ profiles and/or pages.

Author: Next Scripts

Author URL: http://www.nextscripts.com

Copyright 2012-2014  Next Scripts, Inc

PHP Twitter API: Copyright 2012 -  themattharris - tmhOAuth

NextScripts.com, Inc