
Booking Calendar, Git-ified. Synced manual! This repository is just a mirror of the Booking Calendar plugin. Please do not send pull requests and issues.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Booking Calendar ===
Contributors: wpdevelop
Donate link: http://wpbookingcalendar.com/buy/
Tags: booking calendar, availability calendar, event calendar, booking system, booking form, reservation, events, appointment, availability, schedule, calendar, contact form
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.4
Stable tag: 6.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Booking Calendar plugin - is the ultimate booking system for online reservation and availability checking service for your site.

== Description ==
Booking Calendar plugin will enable **online booking services** for your site.
It's highly supported, *oldest ([since 2009](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/changelog/)) booking wordpress plugin* with **intuitive interface** and **flexible functionality**, which is possible to use in wide range of businesses.
>[Plugin Homepage](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/ "Booking Calendar Homepage") | [Overview](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/overview/ "Overview") | [Features](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/features/ "Features") | [Support Forum](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/ "Support") | [Premium Demos](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/demo/ "Live Demos of Premium versions")

Your website visitors can **check availability** of **property** *(like apartment, house, hotel room, etc.)* or any **service** you offer and **make a booking** in a minute.

Your Customers will be able to:  
**(1)** select day(s) in calendar *(which is possible to customize for fitting to your site design)*,  
**(2)** fill booking form fields *(which is possible to configure - change fields labels, activate/deactivate or set as required)*,  
**(3)** and submit a booking.  
Administrator *(and also your visitors)* will **receive notification email(s)** about the new booking, 
and be able to **Approve** or **Decline** this reservation in Easy to Understand, sleek Admin Booking Panel 
(with possibility to **see all bookings** in day/week/month view of Calendar Overview mode - **Timeline** or just in Booking **Listing Table**).  

- Extremely **easy to use**.
- Very **flexible** functionality. Fit to very wide range of business.
- All bookings and settings are stored **in your DB**. You don't need third party account(s).
- Sleek and **customizable design** of calendars, for fitting to your site design.
- **Responsive** front end and back end design.
- An easy to use **Booking Admin Panel** that displays bookings in **Calendar Overview** or **Listing Table** and lets you manages bookings.
- Built with **jQuery**, **Ajax** and other technologies.
- **Easy to install and integrate** into your site. *For example, using booking button in edit toolbar for configuration and inserting booking shortcode into post or page.*

Booking Calendar is built to work out of the box. Just activate it and insert booking shortcode into the post or page and you are ready to receive new bookings. Most of the settings have the predefined values and small descriptions.

= FEATURES: =   
**Make New Bookings on Client side.**  

- Make bookings in **friendly booking interface** - select the date(s) and fill form fields.
- **Prevent of double booking** for already reserved days (1 booking per 1 day) or **allow multiple (unlimited) bookings per same day** in same calendar.
- Booking form and calendar support fully **responsive design** that looks great on any device.

**Manage your Bookings in Admin Panel.**  

- **Email notifications** to administrator and site visitors about specific booking actions. Possibility to change the admin email.
- Comfortable Admin Panel for booking management. View bookings in **Calendar Overview Panel (Timeline)** with  possibility to set Day/Week/Month view or in **Booking Listing Table**.
- **Search the booking(s)** by different parameters, using the Filter in Admin Panel.
- Possibility to **sort bookings** by several parameters.
- Set default **dates format**.
- **Pagination** of the booking listing.
- Possibility to set the **different user roles** for the each plugin menu pages.
- Administrator can **Approve** or **Decline** specific bookings.
- View the number of new bookings on the **booking dashboard section**.

**Google Calendar Events**  
- **Import your Google Calendar** events to your booking admin panel.

**Configure Booking Form and Availability Calendar.**  

- Set showing **1 or several  months  in calendar**.
- Set the **width of calendar** and number of months in a row easily from the settings. *(For example, showing **3x2 months in calendar**)*.
- Select your desire **calendar skin**, for better fit to your site design.
- **Customize the calendar** colors by editing the CSS styles.
- Set **single day selection** or **multiple days selection** mode.
- Set the number of **unavailable days** in calendar, starting **from Today**.
- Set specific **weekdays as unavailable**.
- Possibility to customize the **calendar legend**.

**Set different parameters.**  

- Possibility to **change labels** near the each form field.
- **Activate** or **deactivate** the specific form **fields**.
- Set Specific **field(s) as required** in your booking form.
- **Validations of required fields** and correct entering email.
- Support **CAPTCHA**.
- Possibility to **redirect** customer to the specific **"Thank you" page**, after the booking process.

**And a little more.**  

- **Easy integration into posts/pages**, using new TinyMCE button in the edit toolbar.
- Plugin is **widget ready** so you can easily add a calendar or booking form to site sidebar.
- **Multi language** support. *(Check all available languages at this [page](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/booking/other_notes/ "Translations")).*

And **much, much more**... *Please check ton of features in [premium versions](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/features/ "Booking Calendar Features list") of plugin.*

Booking Calendar is used by thousands of users. Whether you're operating a big hotel with hundreds of rooms, or you're a sole business owner, which need to automatize the bookings for your service, we have you in mind.  

- Resource scheduling (bed & breakfast, cottages, hotel rooms, houses, apartments etc).
- Equipment rentals (cars, bikes, computers, hi-fi technics, pools, etc).
- Client scheduling (photographers, lawyers, beauty salons, spas, massage therapists).
- Meeting scheduling (coaching, phone advice).
- Event scheduling (conference, course, fitness center, yoga class, gym).
- Patient scheduling (doctor, dentists, clinic, medical).
- Or any other service, where can be done reservation for specific day(s).

== Installation ==

= Install & Activate =

Installing the plugin is easy. Just follow these steps:

1. From the dashboard of your site, navigate to Plugins --> Add New.
2. Select the Upload option and hit "Choose File."
3. When the popup appears select the booking.zip file from your desktop. (The file name of other versions can be different. For example: booking.bs.zip).
4. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait as the upload completes.
5. When it's finished, activate the plugin via the prompt. A message will show confirming activation was successful. And you will redirect to the Welcome page.

Installation is complete!

6. Now you can open (create new) post or page and using the "Booking" button in edit toolbar insert the booking shortcode. If you want to insert and configure the shortcode manually, please check  this [instruction](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/help/booking-calendar-shortcodes/)
7. Update (publish) your post or page. Now your web site visitors can make new bookings in the booking form at that page.

That's it! Just configure your settings (Booking --> Settings) and predefined booking form fields (Booking --> Settings --> Fields). 
If you're unclear about the installation process, check out our [HELP](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/help/) instructions. Still having trouble from there? See the [FAQ](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/) for more troubleshooting ideas or contact [support](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/).

**Important notice:** Because of changes in CSS and JavaScript files, please clear browser cache, after you made this update.
= Requirements =

- PHP 5.2 or above
- WordPress 3.3 or above

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Please see [FAQ](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/).

If you have any further questions, please fill free to <a href="mailto:support@wpbookingcalendar.com" title="faq">contact directly</a>.

== Screenshots ==

1. **Calendar Overview Panel**. Easy to Understand Interface with Buttons for Fast Actions.
2. **Booking Listing Panel**. Set Filter to show desire bookings. Approve, Decline your Bookings.
3. **Add New Bookings**. Create new bookings directly from admin panel.
4. **Inserting booking shortcode into post or page**. Easily configure parameters.
5. **Client side booking form**. Example of integration booking form into post or page.
6. **Emails**. Admin and your website visitors, will receive emails, after specific action.
7. **Widgets**. Add booking form or availability calendar to your sidebar.
8. **Settings**. Configure different parameters for fitting plugin to your needs.
9. **Form fields**. Change fields Label, Activate or Deactivate or Set Required specific field.
10. **Emails**. Configure email templates for different booking actions.
11. **Calendar Skins**. Select calendar skin for better fitting to your web-site design.

== Changelog ==
= 6.1 =
- Features and issue fixings in All versions:
 * **New** Display or hide **"Today date number"** in legend cells under calendar.
 * **New** Turkish translation [100% Completed] by EMİNA MESİNOVİC
 * **Translation** Updated German translation [100% Completed] by Peter Wegmann and Christian
 * **Translation** Updated Swedish translation [100% Completed] by Mikael Göransson and Jan Österling
 * **Translation** Updated Ukrainian translation [100% Completed]
 * **Translation** Updated Russian translation [100% Completed]
 * **Translation** Updated Finnish translation [100% Completed] by Turo Numminen and Peter Grönberg
 * **Translation** Updated Slovak translation [100% Completed] by Martin Ambruš and Martin Galdun
 * **Translation** Updated French translation [100% Completed] by Laurent Thiry and Terry Atkinson
 * **Translation** Updated Greece translation [100% Completed] by Dimitris Amanatiadis
 * **Translation** Updated Spanish translation [100% Completed] by Juan C and Juan García Piosa
 * **Translation** Updated Czech translation [100% Completed] by Ales Dlask
 * **Translation** Updated Polish translation [100% Completed] by Danek Szczepan
 * **Translation** Updated Danish translation [100% Completed] by Ib H. Rasmussen
 * **Translation** Updated Italian translation [100% Completed] by Fabrizio Pecorelli
 * **Translation** Updated Norwegian translation [100% Completed] by Håvard Hasli
 * **Translation** Updated Hungarian translation [100% Completed] by István Vincze
 * **Translation** Updated Dutch translation [100% Completed] by Wim Bommerez
 * **Fix** some warning notices, while website in debug mode. 
 * Tons of minor improvements and bug fixes. You should read the full changelog for all of them.
- Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
 * **New** Ability to search for additional 2 days in search availability form. Use this shortcode in search  form: **[additional_search "2"]** +/- 2 days.  *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New** Ability to show how many search results found. To show use **{searchresults}** shortcode in search form  shortcode. Example: [bookingsearch searchresultstitle='{searchresults} Results Found' searchresults='http://dev/search-results/' noresultstitle='Nothing Found.'] *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New** Show Search Results Log at Booking > Settings > Search page in Search Cache section for more easy detect any  issues with search results *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New** Ability to transfer custom parameters from  booking form  shortcode into the content of booking form. Example of shortcode usage: *[booking type=1 form_type='standard' nummonths=3 options='{parameter name="my_param" value="value"},{parameter name="other_param" value="other value"}']* Example of booking form customization: [text some_field_name "my_param"] and [text other_field_name "other_param"] *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Ability to use check-boxes in the search form for additional parameters. *(Business Large, MultiUser)* 
 * **Improvement** Ability to use several times custom fields with  same name in posts for definition several additional parameters with  different values for the search form. *(Business Large, MultiUser)* 
 * **Improvement** Correctly  showing **change-over day**, as half booked day, that  have **pending** check-in/out and **approved** check-out/in **bookings in the same day**. *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Added ability to save "Advanced cost settings" only for selected custom or standard form. Its prevent issue of not saving some values, if exist too many custom forms and too many options for the additional cost. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Showing times in header of Time-Line,  when selected several  booking resources and one day Calendar Overview mode. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Ability to set constant WP_BK_IS_SEND_EMAILS_ON_COST_CHANGE to true in ../lib/wpbc-constants.php file for sending modification email, if cost  was changed in admin panel *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Ability to  use in emails new shortcode: **[check_out_plus1day]** - inserting next day after last selected day in calendar  for specific booking. Its useful in some cases, if business workflow require to  show as checkout day the next  day after last  selected date.   *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Correct work of "Auto-fill" button at  Booking > Add booking page for bookings with change-over days. *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of not showing booked dates in some specific situation (when are using check  in/out times) for booking resources with capacity higher than 1. *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of not ability to change booking resource for booking in some situations, while booking resources with capacity higher than 1. *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** restriction of parameters during switching to Calendar Overview mode *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** not sending emails after changing booking resource for specific booking,  if "Emails sending" checkbox unchecked. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*

= 6.0 =
- Features and issue fixings in All versions:
 * **New** Register and Translate everything in [wpml]Some Text to translate[/wpml] tags. Translation can be done at the WPML > "String translation" page. Required WPML 3.2 with String Translation plugin.
 * **Fix** additional  checking about  checking if some Calendar skin folders exist  or not.
 * **Fix** set additional  checking from preventing loop redirection to the "Whats New" page,  after activation  of the plugin.
 * **Fix** Correctly showing button icons. Remove conflicted "font-awesome-css" from Booking Calendar admin panel pages,  which loaded by WPML plugin.
 * **Translation** Updated French translation [100% Completed] by Fabien Groslambert.
 * **Translation** Updated Norwegian translation [100% Completed] by Håvard Hasli.
 * Support WordPress 4.4
- Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
 * **New** Ability to **duplicate exist booking** into different booking resource  *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New** Ability to **select language of email template** during operations like approving, cancellation or sending payment request for exist bookings. Of course you have to  support these additional languages in email  templates.  *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New** shortcodes in the booking form at Booking > Settings > Fields page: [bookingresource show='id'] -  booking resource ID, [bookingresource show='title'] -  booking resource Title, [bookingresource show='cost'] -   booking resource Cost, [bookingresource show='capacity'] -  booking resource Capacity , [bookingresource show='maxvisitors'] -  maximum number of visitors per booking resource  *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** During changing booking resource for exist  booking, set check intersections of time-slots for booking date and then allow or do not allow to change booking. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue for blocking days in calendar, if all time-slots for this date booked,  and in booking form is using conditional WEEK sections for showing different time-slots for the different weekdays. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue for feature "Checking to prevent double booking, during submitting booking",  when booking was made with check in/out times. *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** saving of option "Auto approve all new bookings" to at  General Booking Settings page,  if user  click  on top "Save changes" button. *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** of not showing "Custom booking forms" of "Super booking admin user" at the Booking &gt; Resources &gt; Advanced cost page, while logged in as "Regular  user" *(MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** of sending correct Payment Request Email, while logged in as "Regular user" *(MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of getting all posts with  booking forms into search availability cache, during clearing search cache at Booking > Settings > Search page. *(Business Large, MultiUser)* 
 * **Fix** issue of not loaded correctly advanced days selection parameters from  Booking Calendar "option" parameter shortcode at  some slow servers. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of showing dates in correct format at the Calendar Overview page, while switching week view for one  booking resource *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** CSS issue of showing navigation tabs in new WordPress 4.4 *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*

= 5.4.4 =
- Features and issue fixings in All versions:
 * **New** Set past bookings "darker", at the Calendar Overview page (timeline) in admin panel. More easy/fast to check past and actual  bookings.
 * **New** filer at Booking Listing page. Showing bookings that **"check in" or "check out" during today**. 
 * **Improvement** Replaced "wpdev-booking" language locale to "booking". Prepare for ability to use Language Packs functionality.
 * **Translation** New Portugal translation [100% Completed] by Pedro Morgado  
 * **Translation** New Ukrainian translation [100% Completed] by Ivanka from [Coupofy](http://www.coupofy.com/)
 * **Translation** Updated French translation [100% Completed] by Charles Petitfour.
 * Fix email format issue during sending emails. From this format '"\"John Smith\"" <email@some-server.com>' to this: 'John Smith <email@some-server.com>'
 * Fix language file locale for the Finnish language. Renamed suffix of translation file from fi_Fl to fi.
 * Remove constant WP_BK_USE_TITLES_IN_EMAILS from ../lib/wpbc-constants.php file.
 * Trigger event "date_selected" after selection  of dates in calendar. To bind this event use this JS: jQuery( ".booking_form_div" ).on('date_selected', function(event, bk_type, date) { ... } );
 * CSS improvements.
- Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
 * **Fix** set limitation in 30 symbols for the names of new custom forms. Otherwise possible issues with saving additional costs at the Resources Advanced cost page  *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*

= 5.4.3 =
- Features and issue fixings in All versions:
 * **New** Hungarian translation [100% Completed] by István Vincze
 * **New** Finnish translation [100% Completed] by Jukka Turunen
 * **New** Catalan translation [100% Completed] by Fiiiu - Gerard H. Serra
 * **Improvement** Plugin will send emails with "From" address, that  defined in "From" field at Booking > Settings > Emails page. If you define constant  WP_BK_STRICTLY_FROM_EMAILS to false at ../lib/wpbc-constants.php file, then sending the copy of Confirmation email to admin, sends a "from" field of email not the email of server, but email from the person, who made reservation. Its useful for "reply to this emails", but when receiving such email, Yahoo mail for instance rejects it, and google mail puts a warning about fishing etc. Check  more [here](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/comment-page-296/#comment-10881)
 * **Improvement** Removing PHP4 style constructors, for support WordPress 4.3 update.
 * Ability to define constant WP_BK_USE_TITLES_IN_EMAILS in wpbc-constants.php. If true, then system try to send emails in format "Jo Smith" <josmith@server.com>  If false,  then  system  try to send emails in format josmith@server.com . Some servers does not support or generate issues for first email format. 
 * Fix possible JavaScript Error: "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement" (and because of that do  not show calendar),  if some third party plugin override links incorrectly.  Please check  more [here](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/comment-page-297/#comment-10906)
 * Fix ability  to  use "+" sign in the email fields during booking process. Please read more [here](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/comment-page-299/#comment-10968)
 * Fix issue of showing "today" date in Calendar Overview page based on website timezone,  and not server timezone. 
 * CSS improvements.
- Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
 * **New** Limit available days from today. Select number of available days in calendar start from today. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New** Ability to define number times of usage coupon codes for discounts *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New** Ability to edit exist coupon codes for discounts *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Do not highlight next date(s), when mouse-over on already selected date. Please check  more [here](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/comment-page-296/#comment-10859) *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Do not highlight date(s), when mouse outside of calendar. Please check  more [here](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/comment-page-296/#comment-10859) *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Do not update the cost in the *cost correction field*, if admin edit this booking. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)* 
 * **Improvement** Prevent of showing any hints (costs, dates...), if selected only *Check In* day, while using range days selection mode using 2 mouse clicks *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)* 
 * **Improvement** Rollback to 1st step, if system will show warning and booking form is using customization of having several steps wizard form. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** Ability  to  show the title of booking resources in booking form (as hint). You can use this shortcode [resource_title_hint] to  show the title of current booking resource.  *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement** showing booking details in payment form. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue for ability to activate users in MultiUser version, while active French translation  of Booking Calendar. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*  
 * **Fix** issue for ability to add new "Valuation days" cost settings in French version  of Booking Calendar. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*  
 * **Fix** issue of range days selection, when activated specific week days as start days and we have some booked days after our selected date. More [here](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/comment-page-290/#comment-10761) *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of correct showing some special symbols during exporting bookings to CSV file. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue relative to the old times season filters  that can exist  in some old versions *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of **showing cost in correct cost format** (using decimal and thousands separators) **in emails** *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of too many redirects, if upgraded from free to paid version,  and use MySQL version older than 5.0

= 5.4.2 =
- Features and issue fixings in All versions:
 * Updated Swedish translation [100% Completed] by Jan Österling
 * Updated Norwegian translation [100% Completed] by Patrick Schneider
 * CSS improvements.
- Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
 * Updated **"Sage Pay"** payment gateway for using new protocol v3.00 instead of v2.23 *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of correctly showing currency (GBP) symbol at the payment form. *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of correctly showing additional cost of the booking, if visitor edit this booking (after  clicking on edit booking link from email), and this booking relative to  the booking resource,  that have as default some custom booking form (not standard booking form). *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*

= 5.4.1 =
- Features and issue fixings in All versions:
 * Updated Italian translation [100% Completed] by Fabrizio Pecorelli, Astolfo Vesci
 * Updated Russian translation [100% Completed] by Arm. 
 * Updated Croatian translation [100% Completed] by Borislav Bosnjak. 
 * Updated German translation [100% Completed] by Stefan Fritsche, Dirk Gabler, Andreas Dupp. 
 * Updated Swedish translation [100% Completed] by Jan Österling, Ruben Salas 
 * **Fix** CSS issue on welcome new update page.
- Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
 * **Fix** ability to edit, cancel or send payment request for the booking by visitors, if was activating option **Load JS and CSS files only on specific pages** at general booking settings page. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of not showing calendar, if in availability settings was applying season filter, that do not have any days. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of not apply conditional season filter, if this filter have only "Tuesday" day selected there. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of showing bookings only from the specific regular user, when user try to open 2nd or higher page at Booking Listing page. *(MultiUser)*

= 5.4 =
- Features and issue fixings in All versions:
 * **New**. **Google Calendar Events importing**. Using new Google Calendar API v3. Activate and configure different parameters for the Google Calendar import.
 * **New**. Activate **auto-import of Google Calendar events** during specific times.
 * **New**. Ability to **save** own **calendar skin** to the **/wp-content/uploads/wpbc_skins/** folder, that do not overriding during plugin update. Its will save your custom calendar skin, if you will make upgrade of plugin to new plugin update.
 * **New**. Ability to **load JS and CSS files only on specific pages**. Its useful, if exist some conflict(s) or you want to optimize loading of website, and you need to load Booking Calendar JS and CSS files only at  the specific pages, where you are having booking forms or availability calendars. You can activate and configure this feature at the General Booking Settings page in Advanced section, by expanding "Advanced settings of JavaScript loading".
 * **Fix**. Additional checking in some situation, when happens "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page" issue.
 * **Fix**. Warning of invalid emails, for the new DNS, like xxx@xxx.holiday OR xxx@xxx.technology OR xxx@xxx.solutions OR xxx@xxx.training, etc...
 * **Fix** of loading correct calendar language, if at the WordPress General Settings have selected "Site Language" as "English (Canada)".
 * New Bulgarian translation [100% Completed] by Nadejda Chotorova.
 * Updated Spanish translation [100% Completed] by Juan C
 * Updated French translation [100% Completed] by by Carlo Calamar, Terry Atkinson, Jean-Sébastien DANGLADE.
 * Updated Danish translation [100% Completed] by Ib H. Rasmussen.
 * Updated Dutch translation [100% Completed] by Wim Bommerez. 
 * Updated Polish translation [100% Completed] by Danek Szczepan
 * Updated Russian translation [100% Completed] by Arm. 
 * Updated Greece translation [100% Completed] by Dimitris Amanatiadis
 * Updated Slovak translation [100% Completed] by Lubomir Host, Martin Galdun, Martin Ambrus
 * Updated Czech translation [100% Completed] by Ales Dlask, Martin Ambrus
 * Updated Croatian translation [95% Completed] by Jirka Pitzmos. 
- Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
 * **New**. Advanced Google Calendar Events import. Configuration of import **Google Calendar Events** for the each specific booking resources (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser) 
 * **New**. Allow payments by direct bank / wire transfer *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Allow payments in cash by visitors on check in.  *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Ability to print booking data for the each single specific booking *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Ability to show the **full cost of the booking** in **search  results**, depend from the check in/out dates and number of selected visitors. *Shortcode to  use in search  results - [cost_hint]* *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Ability to show the **cost of the booking for the selected dates only** in **search  results**. *Shortcode to  use in search  results - [original_cost_hint]* *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Ability to show the **additional cost, which depends on the fields selection in the form** in **search  results**. *Shortcode to  use in search  results - [additional_cost_hint]* *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Ability to show the **deposit cost of the booking** in **search  results**. *Shortcode to  use in search  results - [deposit_hint]* *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Ability to show the **balance cost of the booking - difference between deposit and full cost** in **search  results**. *Shortcode to  use in search  results - [balance_hint]* *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Ability to  **show hints of additional cost for each separated options** (from the Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page). If you are having in booking form shortcode like this *Tax: [checkbox my_tax default:on ""]*, and also configured additional cost for the **my_tax** option, then in booking form you can use this shortcode **[my_tax_hint]** to  show additional cost of this otion. Just add *_hint* term to name of shortcode for creation hint shortcode in booking form. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Condition to show the "Deposit payment" form, if the "Check in" day is inside of the specific Season Filter *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Show both deposit and total cost payment forms, after visitor submit booking. You can activate this feature at the ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/lib/wpbc-constants.php file by setting contstant WP_BK_SHOW_DEPOSIT_AND_TOTAL_PAYMENT to TRUE. Important! Please note, in this case at admin panel for booking will be saved deposit cost and notes about deposit, do not depend from the visitor choise of this payment. So you need to check each such payment manually. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. Ability to show the standard cost or title of booking resource by using this shortcodes [bookingresource type=1 show='cost'] or [bookingresource type=1 show='title'] *Example: [bookingresource type=3 show='title']: [bookingresource type=3 show='cost'] per day.*  *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **New**. **Widget** for **selection of booking resources**. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement**. Added **preselected booking resource** parameter to popup for insertion booking resource selection shortcode. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement**. New **first_option_title** parameter for insertion booking resource selection shortcode. This parameter define text for the first option in dropdown list. Its can be empty for showing only booking resources list. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)* 
 * **Improvement**. Ability to print only selected booking(s) at the Booking Listing page instead of All bookings *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement**. Ability to export to CSV file (during clicking on "Export button") only selected booking(s) at the Booking Listing page instead of All bookings. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Improvement**. Removed "Deposit payment" option  from the General Booking Settings page in Cost section. Its possible to activate/deactivate and configure deposit payments for the specific booking resources at the Cost and rates page  *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of ability to  use parameter **"aggregate"** instead of "agregate" in the *[booking ...]* shortcode. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of not ability to select custom or standard booking form  during editing some booking,  if the booking resource of this booking have some custom form as default custom booking form. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** issue of not ability to save changes of Form Fields at Settings page in French version of Booking Calendar. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
 * **Fix** Warning: "preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 24 in ../inc/personal.php on line 2347". Its possibly exist in some most recent versions of PCRE (the regular expression library PHP uses). *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*

For more information, see the [full release notes](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/changelog/).

== Upgrade Notice ==
= 6.1 =
Advanced legend items configuration. Smarter showing past bookings in time-line. Advanced search availability functionality (in paid versions).

== Languages ==

Plugin supports following languages:

- English
- German [100% Completed]
- French [100% Completed]
- Norwegian [100% Completed]
- Swedish [100% Completed]
- Spanish [100% Completed]
- Dutch [100% Completed]
- Greece [100% Completed]
- Polish [100% Completed] 
- Ukrainian [100% Completed]
- Russian [100% Completed]
- Danish [100% Completed]
- Czech [100% Completed]
- Slovak [100% Completed]
- Italian [100% Completed]
- Hungarian [100% Completed]
- Finnish [100% Completed]
- Turkish [100% Completed]
- Catalan [99% Completed]
- Portugal [99% Completed]
- Croatian [99% Completed]    
- Bulgarian [99% Completed]
- Brazilian Portuguese [94% Completed]    
- Hebrew [17% Completed]
- Belarusian [11% Completed]

Please recheck the status of each translation, before using plugin. 
We open for your help in new translations or correcting existing ones. You can translate to new language or update exist one, using this [tutorial of translation](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/make-translation-of-wp-plugin/)
== Tech support ==

If you have some questions, which you haven't found at [FAQ](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/) you can post them at [technical help board](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/)
== New ideas ==

Please, fill free for suggesting [new ideas](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/ideas/) or [new features](http://wpbookingcalendar.com/ideas/)