
An API wrapper for PHP

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WPCS PHP API wrapper

A PHP API wrapper to easily communicate with the WPCS.io API.


In order to use the package, you need to authenticate with the WPCS API. You can create an API key/secret pair in the console to use for this wrapper.

There are two ways to authenticate the requests with this package: using constants or the builder functions.

Configuring authentication with builder functions

There are three functions to use to authenticate your requests: setRegion(string $region), setApiKey(string $key) and setApiSecret(string $secret)


$request = new \WPCS\API\GetTenantsRequest();
$response = $request
    ->setRegion('us1') // Or eu1, depending on your region.
    ->setApiKey('an-api-key') // The API Key you retrieved from the console
    ->setApiSecret('an-api-secret') // The API Secret you retrieved from the console

This allows you to use your own secrets management.


If you are using, for example, WordPress, it is common to place secrets in the wp-config.php file as constants. You can do this for the wrapper as well. The three required constants are WPCS_API_REGION, WPCS_API_KEY and WPCS_API_SECRET. When these are defined, you do not need to use the builder functions to setup authentication.


define('WPCS_API_REGION', 'us1'); // Or eu1, depending on your region.
define('WPCS_API_KEY', 'an-api-key'); // The API Key you retrieved from the console
define('WPCS_API_SECRET', 'an-api-secret'); // The API Secret you retrieved from the console

// No need to set the region, API key and secret using functions now
$request = new \WPCS\API\GetTenantsRequest();
$response = $request->send();

Example usage

A request to the WPCS API to create a new version might look like this (when not using the constants to authenticate). This request will create a version, based on the last snapshot of the current production version in WPCS in a product that resides in the US1 region.

$request = new \WPCS\API\CreateVersionRequest();
$response = $request