
A smart contract in the NEAR network. This contract allows users to store places, rate and navigate through them.

Primary LanguageRust

Places - NEAR Contract

A smart contract in the NEAR network. This contract allows uses to register places around the world, evaluate them, post feedback and consult them.

Access the live dapp here:

Frontend repository: places-near-dapp

General Info

  1. Make sure you have installed rust.
  2. Install the NEAR CLI

1. Build, Test and Deploy

To build the contract you can execute the ./build.sh script, which will in turn run:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

Then, run the ./deploy.sh script, which will in turn run:

near dev-deploy --wasmFile ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/hello_near.wasm

the command near dev-deploy automatically creates an account in the NEAR testnet, and deploys the compiled contract on it.

Once finished, check the ./neardev/dev-account file to find the address in which the contract was deployed:

cat ./neardev/dev-account
# e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727

2. Write Methods [payable]

// Init contract - called by-owner only (determines who can do admin actions)
pub fn init(owner: AccountId, admins: Option<Vec<AccountId>>)

// Add Place
pub fn add_place(&mut self, place: PlaceInput)

// Vote
pub fn vote(&mut self, place_id: u64, vote: i8)

// Add pictures to a Place
pub fn add_picture_to_place(&mut self, place_id: u64, pictures: Vec<String>)

// Remove a place
pub fn remove_place(&mut self, place_id: u64)

3. Read Methods

// Returns the Places
pub fn get_places(&self) -> Vec<Place>

// Get places by its id
pub fn get_places_by_id(&self, place_id: u64) -> Option<Place>

4. Retrieve the Places

get_places and get_places_by_id is a read-only method (aka view method).

View methods can be called for free by anyone, even people without a NEAR account!

# Use near-cli to get the places
near view <contract-id> get_places

5. Store a New Place

add_place, vote, add_picture_to_place and remove_place changes the contract's state, for which it is a change method.

Change methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction. In this case, we are asking the account we created in step 1 to sign the transaction.

# Use near-cli to add a new place
near call <contract-id> add_place '{"place":{"name": "Natura Store","address": "Pampulha","description": "A place to buy perfume.","pictures": ["https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMBMUOyXp7E1gZRB_KVeKLOLOpZv1bzZt-JxsAd=w408-h306-k-no"]}}' --accountId <user-account-id>

Tip: If you would like to call add_place using your own account, first login into NEAR using:

# Use near-cli to login your NEAR account
near login

and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: --accountId <your-account>.

6. View Contract State with Postman

You can see the contract state by sending a POST to https://rpc.testnet.near.org with the following body:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "dontcare",
  "method": "query",
  "params": {
    "request_type": "view_state",
    "finality": "final",
    "account_id": "<contract-id>",
    "prefix_base64": ""

7. Deploying to Mainnet (Production)

You can go to NEAR CLI page to understand more. But below, are some steps to deploy the contract for Mainnet.

Change the network by prepending an environment variable to the commands.

After building your contract:

  1. Login with your account:
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near login
  1. Create an account/sub-account to store the Contract
# In this case, you'll use your credentials
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near create-account <created-account-id>.wendersonpires.near --masterAccount wendersonpires.near --initialBalance <amount-of-near-to-send-to-the-new-account-being-created>

# e.g NEAR_ENV=mainnet near create-account place-contract.wendersonpires.near --masterAccount wendersonpires.near --initialBalance 2
  1. Deploy Contract to the created account
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near deploy --accountId <created-account-id>.wendersonpires.near --wasmFile ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/places_near_contract.wasm

# e.g NEAR_ENV=mainnet near deploy --accountId place-contract.wendersonpires.near --wasmFile ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/places_near_contract.wasm
  1. Now, the Contract is ready to be used
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near view place-contract.wendersonpires.near get_places

8. Contract Address





9. Good to know


Account place-contract.wendersonpires.near created with:

NEAR_ENV=mainnet near create-account place-contract.wendersonpires.near --masterAccount wendersonpires.near --initialBalance 2

Contract deployment using account id place-contract.wendersonpires.near:

NEAR_ENV=mainnet near deploy --accountId place-contract.wendersonpires.near --wasmFile ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/places_near_contract.wasm
#Transaction: https://explorer.mainnet.near.org/transactions/BdX7Dyr3wKcTBmM14jyNfcrt344gN5sRexJweVdioLfr

Contract initialized with:

NEAR_ENV=mainnet near call place-contract.wendersonpires.near init '{"owner": "wendersonpires.near"}' --accountId wendersonpires.near
# Transaction: https://explorer.mainnet.near.org/transactions/GaTRTxFzGAHMU6PpypAvyARkForfRhhZJy2pdsawpyGg