
a program that navigates an imaginary robotic hoover

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tech Test Submission: William Dunk

A program that navigates a imaginary robotic hoover (much like a Roomba) through an equally imaginary room.

Getting Started


Ensure you have Node installed on your machine. If running macOS use HomeBrew to install Node run brew install node in your terminal.


Clone repo: git clone https://github.com/wpdunk/RoombaJS.git

Install dependencies: npm install


To Run the application: npm start

To Test the application: npm test


Successful execution.

Image of successful execution

Successful tests.

Image of successful tests

Development Documentation


  • Built the program from the outside in.
  • Lead with feature, then unit tests.
  • Began with single class Hoover.
  • Introduced second class Input.
    • To manage reading and interpretation of the input file.
  • Used dependancy injection to optimise loose coupling.
  • Mocked dependencies in unit tests.
  • TDD throughout.

User Stories

As a hoover operator,
I want to be able to map the room,
So that dirt and hoover locations can be tracked.
As a hoover operator,
I want to be able to record locations of dirt,
So that they can be processed.
As a hoover operator,
I want to be able to define the initial location of the hoover,
So that it can be driven accurately.
As a hoover operator,
I want to be able to process hoover driving instructions,
So that the room can be cleaned.
As a hoover operator,
I want to be notified of the number of dirt patches cleaned.
So that I know if the operation was successful or not.
As a hoover operator,
I want to be notified with the final hoover position.
So that I can identify successful navigation.