
A collection of useful resources for web mapping at the California Department of Water Resources

##So you want to make a web app...

###Join the ArcGIS Server Cadre

  • Send Wyatt Pearsall your SAP employee number

  • Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month in 435 Resources at 2pm.

  • Try to engage at the meetings or over email, both for your benefit and the cadre's.

  • See https://dwrgis.water.ca.gov/arcgis_server_cadre for more info.

###Publish a Service

  • Put your data and map in a folder under \\nasgisnp\entgis\cadre

  • Connect to the GIS Server http://darcgis.water.ca.gov/arcgis as a publisher and share your map as a service (choose cadre as the folder or make your own).

  • Analyze your map, respond to errors/warnings, tweak your service properties (it's ok to accept the defaults), publish

  • Your service will be at https://darcgis.water.ca.gov/arcgis/rest/services/ in the folder you chose when publishing

###Create your Application

  • Make a copy of \\mrsbmapp21161\giswebapps\twopane (or any template) and rename your folder (alternatively, clone the repository at https://github.com/wpears/twopane)

  • Examine your blank template at http://darcgis.water.ca.gov/app/\[[your folder's name]]

  • Add your service as a layer in the app by locating the commented-out CheckLayer function call near the end of twopane.js and substituting your service's URL as the first argument

  • Refresh your template page to examine your service

###Go Public

  • Tell the rest of the ArcGIS Server cadre about your app and allow some time for them to review it (this will help make your app better).

  • Check with your chain of command that your data is fit to go public.

  • Contact DWR's Public Affairs Office, sending a link to your development app and informing them you have cadre and chain of command approval.

  • Contact an admin (like me) saying you've done the last three steps and want to push your app to the public.

ArcGIS Online? Portal?

  • These can be good options (particularly if you need something fast) but have a monetary and administrative cost

  • Portal's star may rise once 10.3 is released. Stay tuned.

##I need an app now and have no one who can build it

  • Talk to DTS's Enterprise GIS team (Led by Leo Anguiano)


Two-pane template


Basic template


Brownbag slides and files


Other brownbags


GIS Day talk on the Cadre


ArcGIS Server Cadre Homepage


ArcGIS Server Cadre Documents


ArcGIS Server Help


##Code Tutorials ####HTML and CSS http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/web

####Javascript http://eloquentjavascript.net/index.html http://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/javascript