
A tutorial repository to discuss benefits of serverless in a kubernertes environment


This is a simple demo project to demonstrate knative-serving. If you want to follow this demo, please use a recent OpenShift 4.8+ cluster (either CodeReady Containers or SNO). And install OpenShift Serverless.

Using the Web UI

  • Install person-service helm chart
  • Click on "Make serverless"
  • Add an environment variable APP_GREETING with some nice content
  • Click on Edit Service to make the ksvc use the database:
            - prefix: DB_
                name: ps1-db-pguser-ps1-db
  • Demonstrate that it works now.
  • Wait a bit until it settled down

A/B Deployments

  • Go to the console
  • Deploy a new version
kn service update ksvc-ps1-deployment --image=quay.io/wpernath/person-service:v1.8.10-jvm --env APP_GREETING="We are now in JVM mode"
kn revision list
https --verify=no ....
  • Tag the two (useable) revisions
kn service update ksvc-ps1-deployment --tag=ksvc-ps1-deployment-00003=jvm
kn service update ksvc-ps1-deployment --tag=ksvc-ps1-deployment-00002=native
kn revision list
  • Now update the service to get only one or the other tag (A/B deployments)
kn service update ksvc-ps1-deployment --traffic native=100,jvm=0
kn service update ksvc-ps1-deployment --traffic native=0,jvm=100

Canary Deployments

  • The only difference to A/B is that we are going to have traffic splits between the old and the new version
kn service update ksvc-ps1-deployment --traffic native=80,jvm=20
watch -n1 http ....


  • New namespace
  • Create the knative helm chart
  • Install it twice with --set deployment.tag=jvm|native
helm package knative-chart
helm install ps1-native <chart-file>
helm install ps1-jvm <chart-file> --set deployment.tag=jvm
  • Do load test with hey
hey -T application/json -c 16 -n 32000 <url>