
Tutorials for Brazil workshop on top-down modelling

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Small area population estimates using random forest top-down disaggregation: An R tutorial

Leasure DR, Darin E, Tatem AJ. 2020. Small area population estimates using random forest top-down disaggregation: An R tutorial. WorldPop, University of Southampton. doi:10.5258/SOTON/WP00697.


The full tutorial can be viewed from your web browser here:

The main script is stored under 4_tutorial.Rmd with its condensed version 3. tutorial.R.


The data used in the tutorial is stored under /dat.


Scripts 0. setup.R, 1. prepare_data.R, 2. run_model.R are processing scripts. The pre-processed data is not stored in this github repo due to memory capacity. However they are downloadable from links presented in the tutorial.