
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A gulpfile that pairs with the Banda Theme

Requires Node Package Manager. Instructions for installing NPM on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  1. From the terminal, in the 'wp-content' folder, run git clone https://github.com/wphogan/banda-gulp.

  2. CD into the new 'banda-gulp' directory and run npm install.

  3. From 'banda-gulp', run gulp.

  4. The gulp command is configured with LiveReload. It automatically injects CSS edits into the browser. Add and activate LiveReload to Chrome or Firefox.

Running gulp will watch changes made to files in the 'sass' folder and automatically optimize images added to the 'img' folder. Sass files are compiled, auto-prefixed, and minified into a single CSS file. A source map is added to the CSS file. Errors in Sass code will produce a desktop alert