A Stack is a data structure with LIFO (last in, first out) behavior. It an be implemented with an array or a linked list, each of which have various tradeoffs in time and memory complexity, which were really not relevant for this project. I choose to use an array, because I already had functions in place to work better with arrays. In this project, we were given a sequence of numbers via command line arguments and had to parse the input into a stack of numbers, stack A.

We were also given a series of operations: swap a given stack's top values, swap both stacks' top values, push onto stack A, push onto stack B, rotate or reverse rotate A and/or B.

Given these limited number of operations, and only ONE other empty stack, stack B, we had to sort stack A in ascending order

This project broke down into two programs: a checker program and a push_swap program Checker takes a series of numbers as arguments, creates stack A, and then reads from stdin for any of the given operations. After reading is done (CRTL-D), it states whether stack A has been sorted.

Push_Swap again takes a series of numbers as arguments, creates stack A, and then performs one of two homemade sorting algorithms based on stack size.
    Small stacks use a min-num-solver algorithm, where the minimum number from stack A is funneled up to the top of A and then pushed on B until both A and B(in descending order) are sorted
    Larger stacks utilize an algorithm that pushes on B whichever number requires the least number of operations to keep B sorted(descending order) and then pushed back onto A.

Testing: the testing directory contains a python script and two shell scripts that enable you to test for any amount of random numbers, and for any amount of tests. My push_swap program on average sorts 500 random numbers in under 5200 operations.

Bonuses: the -v flag enables you to see the initial stacks, the stacks after each operation, and the final stacks. The -c flag adds color to the last changed numbers.