

  1. Install Django with pip install django.

  2. Start a new Django project, with django-admin startproject myproject.

  3. Change directories into your project folder: cd myproject where the file is located.

  4. Double check that a Python interpreter has been selected in VS Code, with Ctrl + Shift + p.

  5. Configure Django with Tailwind by following the instructions at Django-Tailwind.

    1. Install the Django-Tailwind package with python -m pip install django-tailwind.

    2. Add 'tailwind' to INSTALLED_APPS in

          # other Django apps
    3. Create a Tailwind CSS compatible Django app. Since this is for the benefit of Tailwind, i.e. css styling, it usually makes sense to call it theme. So, change directories into the new_project folder (where is situated) and run the command python tailwind init and at the prompt enter the name theme. Upon doing this you will see a new folder appear within your existing Django project. This folder will contain the theme Django app.

    4. Thus now we need to register this new theme Django app by adding it to INSTALLED_APPS in

          # other Django apps
    5. Register the generated theme app by adding the following line to file (right at the bottom of the file): TAILWIND_APP_NAME = 'theme'.

    6. Make sure that the INTERNAL_IPS list is present in the file and contains the ip address. Again, place this at the bottom of the file:

      INTERNAL_IPS = [
  6. Configure the path to the npm executable. On Windows use the command prompt and type where npm and then copy the full path to the npm.cmd executable. Then, place that full path into the file, again right at the bottom: NPM_BIN_PATH = r"C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd".

  7. Add and configure django_browser_reload, which takes care of automatic page and css refreshes in the development mode. Add it to INSTALLED_APPS in

        # other Django apps
  8. Add the middleware to the MIDDLEWARE section of the file:

        # ...
        # ...

    The middleware should be listed after any that encode the response, such as Django’s GZipMiddleware. The middleware automatically inserts the required script tag on HTML responses before </body> when DEBUG is True.

  9. Include django_browser_reload URL in your root - also here, don't forget to import the include function:

    from django.urls import include, path
    urlpatterns = [
        path("__reload__/", include("django_browser_reload.urls")),
  10. Install Tailwind CSS dependencies, by running the following command: python tailwind install. Behind the scenes this will run the npm command.

  11. And at last you should be able to use Tailwind CSS classes in your Django HTML templates. Thus, start the development server by running the following command in your terminal: python tailwind start.

Development Servers

  • There will be two servers that you need to run to make your life easier during further development of your Django project:
    1. The Tailwind server that will watch behind the scenes and update everytime changes are made to your CSS styling as you develop. This server is started in item 11 above: python tailwind start.
    2. The Django development server: python runserver.

Create a new Django App

  • We can now begin developing our Django project in exactly the same way as we would normally. Start by creating a new Django app with python startapp myapp.

  • Add the name of your new app (e.g. myapp in this case) to your file of the parent project folder:

  • Also, add the routing to your root URLconf in myproject/

    from django.urls import include, path
    urlpatterns = [
        path("__reload__/", include("django_browser_reload.urls")),
        path('', include('myapp.urls')),
  • For templating, create a new folder called templates inside of myapp folder. And then, inside of templates create another new folder named myapp. Finally create an empty file named index.html inside templates/myapp.

  • Now, inside myapp/ we'll add the view for the above index.html file.

    def index(request):
        text = 'Hello World!'
        context = {
            'context_text': text,
        return render(request, 'myapp/index.html', context)
  • Back inside the myapp folder, create a to store your URLconf. Inside there we define the following:

    from django.urls import path
    from . import views
    urlpatterns = [
        path('', views.index, name='index'),
  • Finally we add some html to our index.html:

    {% load tailwind_tags %}
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <title>Django Tailwind Example</title>
        {% tailwind_css %}
        <h1 class="text-2xl bg-slate-200 hover:bg-yellow-400">{{ context_text }}</h1>
  • Notice here we have added two new Tailwind specific tags to our html template, namely {% load tailwind_tags %} at the top of the template and {% tailwind_css %} inside the <head> tag.

  • Now simply start the second server, i.e. the Django development server, with python runserver and visit the page.