

Primary LanguageShell


This repo holds my dotfiles & various other things for my laptop


  • Distro: Arch Linux
  • Window Manager: i3-gaps
  • Shell: fish
  • Terminal: alacritty
  • Bar: polybar
  • Notifications: dunst
  • Launcher: rofi
  • Music: spotify
  • Editor: emacs
  • Browser: firefox-nightly


  • brown/: Things used only in my setup on brown CS dept computers
  • gen/: Files generated from templates for a theme (not present in repo)
  • main/: Pretty much everything that gets linked, mostly self-explanatory
    • .config/: Where all my config files are
    • .www/: Root of start page served to localhost
    • bin/: Scripts I've made and found useful
      • alias/: Wrappers around other commands
      • color/: Color test scripts
      • rofi/: Rofi prompts bound to shortcuts
      • spoc/: Scripts I use for sysadmin stuff
      • support/: Scripts not used directly, but rather by things like i3/polybar
      • tmp/: Experimental or only temporarily useful scripts
  • misc/: Resources and various odds and ends
  • root/: Mirrors the structure of /, holds machine-wide configuration files
  • template/: Configs to template with theme data
  • themes/: Themes stored in base16 format


To link all files the following can be run: sudo dotlink -f all