Changed files:

  1. config/application.rb: use Hutch Adapter
  2. config/initializers/z-001-hutch.rb: to initlize Hutch and Hutch::Schedule
  3. app/jobs/plan_job.rb: to test job with ActiveJob error retry.
  4. app/jobs/bow_job.rb: to test ActiveJob use hutch to driver it.
  5. app/consumers/aac_consumer.rb: have threshold and consume two routing keys
  6. app/consume/bbc_consumer.rb: normal hutch consumer
  7. 'config/hutch.yaml': Hutch Config file


  1. docker-compose up: launch rabbitmq
  2. hutch -v to run hutch process.
  3. rails c to enqueue message with:
  • BowJob.set(wait: 5.seconds).perform_later(a: 1)
  • PlanJob.perform_later(b: 2) will retry 5 times with exponentially_longer delay algorithm.


  1. AbcConsumer, BbcConsumer two Hutch::Consumer, direct use for raw message handleing. [app/consumers]
  2. BowJob, PlanJob two ActiveJob::Base, use ActiveJob deal with background job. [app/jobs]