
Command line interface to Tessel 2.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The starting point for the Tessel 2 command line interface.

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Build Status

See docs on T2 CLI usage on the t2-docs repo.


Installation for development

Prerequisites for installation: Node.js and Git.

  1. Clone this repository by entering the following: git clone https://github.com/tessel/t2-cli.
  2. Go to the root directory of repository: cd t2-cli.
  3. Create a symbolic link: npm link --local.

####Windows You may encounter the following error when executing npm link on windows:

19798 error Windows_NT 6.3.9600
19799 error argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "link"
19800 error node v0.12.4
19801 error npm  v2.10.1
19802 error code ELIFECYCLE
19803 error tessel@0.3.23 postinstall: `tessel install-drivers || true; tessel trademark || true`
19803 error Exit status 1
19804 error Failed at the tessel@0.3.23 postinstall script 'tessel install-drivers || true; tessel trademark || true'.

This error occurs because of windows folder permissions. To resolve this make sure you are running cmd or powershell as an administrator and that the permissions on the node_modules folder is set to full control for the user.


If this is your first time updating, you may have to run t2 update -f, otherwise just run t2 update to make sure you are running the most recent build of OpenWRT and firmware.

Development Milestones

Help us build Tessel 2's CLI! The issues section of this repo is full of small, fully outlined projects to add functionality.

The table below outlines the major milestones for the CLI prior to general release. Feel free to contribute towards milestones that that aren't the highest priority! All contributions are welcome.

Milestones tracked here.

Milestone Name Subtasks Notes
1. Continuous Tesselation We should focus on building the test infrastructure that will enable us to ensure a reliable CLI distribution. By the time these tasks are done, the code should be clean, well reviewed, and automatically tested with each PR. Completion Goal: July 12, 2015
2. Easy Updation By completing these tasks, it should be possible to have a one line call to update the OpenWRT and coprocessor firmware image on Tessel 2. Completion Goal: July 26
3. Complete Speculation
  • Finish all issues listed under the 'spec-cli' label.
After the completion of these designed command line interactions should be finished and working according to the full specification. Completion Goal: August 9
4. Bonus Pointation The goal of this milestone is to build on the core functionality with functional binary dependencies and Python/Rust support. Completion Goal: August 16
5. Finally Publication After this milestone is complete, the CLI will be ready for all the T2 users to enjoy! Completion Goal: August 23