
ServerBIT implemented in MAX/MSP, available as a standalone application

Primary LanguageMax

Currently MacOS only

Installation and Startup

Standalone application

  • ServerBIT-MAX has been compiled as a standalone application which does not require a MAX/MSP licence to run.
  • Drag ServerBIT-MAX.app to the Applications directory
  • To run, simply launch (Right-click & Open) the application to start

From source

  • To edit the patch, please clone/download this repository and start from ServerBIT_PATCH.maxpat. You will need a copy of MAX/MSP and the labraries listed below



#1 Connect a new device


Device must be switched on and already paired with the computer (make sure bluetooth is enabled).



You must be connected to the same wireless network as the R-IoT. From here, the IP has to match the OSC destination address. For assistance, go to the wifi_network_osx tab.

#2 Choose a network protocol and begin data acquisition

Go the the data_output tab and select either OSC or Websockets. You can then edit the chanel mask, label and output destination before clicking the Start Acquisition toggle to begin streaming. You should start seeing the JSON output below.
