
Neural network code for Deep Blending for Free-Viewpoint Image-Based Rendering (SIGGRAPH Asia 2018)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Deep Blending for Free-Viewpoint Image-Based Rendering

Peter Hedman, Julien Philip, True Price, Jan-Michael Frahm, George Drettakis, and Gabriel Brostow. SIGGRAPH Asia 2018.


Teaser video

This repository contains the training and test code for our blending network.

New! Source code for rendering and geometry refinement.

You can find a full source code release here.


Only tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and NVIDIA GPUs.


Download and install Python 3, Pip, and Tensorflow-GPU.

Required Python packages: Numpy, Scipy, and PIL.

Download the training data, and the test data. Unzip these datasets.


For training, we need to set a few more things up.

  1. Download pretrained VGG weights
wget http://download.tensorflow.org/models/vgg_16_2016_08_28.tar.gz
tar -xvf vgg_16_2016_08_28.tar.gz
rm vgg_16_2016_08_28.tar.gz
  1. Create an input txt file listing all the training images.
for scene in `ls $DATASET_DIR | grep -v txt` ; 
python3 make_data_txt.py $DATASET_DIR/$scene > ${scene}_training.txt ; 
cat ${scene}_training.txt >> training_all_ordered.txt ; 
rm ${scene}_training.txt ;
done ;
shuf training_all_ordered.txt > $DATASET_DIR/training.txt ;
rm training_all_ordered.txt ;
  1. Create an input txt file listing all the validation images.
for scene in `ls $DATASET_DIR | grep -v txt` ; 
python3 make_data_txt.py $DATASET_DIR/$scene validation > ${scene}_validation.txt ;
cat ${scene}_validation.txt >> validation_all_ordered.txt ;
rm ${scene}_validation.txt ;
done ;
shuf validation_all_ordered.txt > $DATASET_DIR/validation.txt ;
rm validation_all_ordered.txt ;

Now we're ready to train the network. This command trains the network with the parameters used in the paper:

python3 train.py [PATH_TO_UNZIPPED_TRAINING_DATA] NETWORK_OUTPUT_FOLDER --training_file=[PATH_TO_UNZIPPED_TRAINING_DATA]/training.txt --validation_file=[PATH_TO_UNZIPPED_TRAINING_DATA]/validation.txt

However, you can also use the following command line parameters to train a different version of the network:

--loss_function, determines the mage loss to be used for training (L1, VGG, or VGG_AND_L1). Defaults to VGG_AND_L1.

--direct_regression, directly regresses the output image instead of predicting blend weights. Off by default.

--no_temporal_loss, trains the network without a temporal loss. Off by default.

--no_textured_mesh, disable the input layer from the textured mesh. Off by default.

--num_input_mosaics, number of input mosaic layers to use. Defaults to 4.

--temporal_alpha, relative strength of the temporal loss. Defaults to 0.33.

--debug, debug mode for training, shows more intermediate outputs in tensorboard. Off by default.

--num_batches, training duration (in terms of number of minibatches). Defaults to 256000.

--batch_size, batch size to be used for training. Defaults to 8.

--crop, crop size for data augmentation. Defaults to 256.


Run the following command:


IMPORTANT If you trained a network using custom command-line parameters, make sure that they match when you run the network in test mode!

For testing on new scenes, you need to create a txt file which lists all the inputs:

python3 make_data_txt.py $TEST_SCENE_DIR/testdump test > $TEST_SCENE_DIR/test.txt