
Sass styles for the Gravity Forms WordPress form builder plugin

Primary LanguageCSS

Gravity Forms SCSS

Gravity Forms styles for use in Alpha, Foxtrot, and any other Sassy WordPress theme.

Contributors: Ozzy Rodriguez, Robert Neu
Requires: WordPress 4.5, Gravity Forms 1.9
Tested up to: WordPress 4.5, Gravity Forms
License: MIT


The easiest way to use these styles is to clone them into your theme and integrate them into your build process. They will work out of the box with the Alpha and Foxtrot starter themes as they share the same variable and dependency structure.

You may need to make adjustments if you want to use the styles in another theme. Please feel free to fork and adapt these styles to meet your own needs!

Because this replaces all of the default Gravity Forms styles, you'll probably want to force the plugin's styles to be disabled programmatically rather than allow the user to make the choice from the admin. To do this, simply add the following to your theme's global functions:

add_filter( 'pre_option_rg_gforms_disable_css', '__return_true' );
