Finding the dominant colors of an image using the YUV color space and the k-means clustering algorithm.
The simplest and most commonly used metric[1] for the difference between two colors is the Euclidian distance between the colors on a 3-dimensional coordinate space.
The Euclidian distance between RGB colors doesn't accurately represent how humans perceive color differences, so I used the YUV color space instead, which takes human perception into account[2]. There are a number of other color spaces that could be used for this purpose as well, most notably a Lab color space. Conversions to a Lab color space from RGB are non-trivial because RGB is device dependent, so I decided to stick with YUV for the time being.
Pixels are grouped into clusters of dominant colors using a standard k-means clustering algorithm[3][4][5].
The k-value was originally chosen based on the rule of thumb k = sqrt(n/2)
[6] but this resulted in k
-values that were too large to run in a reasonable amount of time for large values of n
. Right now, I'm using a magic value of 16
because empirical testing showed that it yielded the best results for many different images but I'm still looking into a number of more data-driven alternate approaches.
The initial centroids are currently selected on a random basis. An alternative approach is to use the k-means++ algorithm, in which after the first centroid is selected randomly, the subsequent centroids are selected with probability proportional to the distance from the randomly selected centroid.
The k-means algorithm has a worst case runtime that is super-polynomial in the input size[7], so sampling large numbers of pixels is a problem. Images are automatically downsampled such that the total number of pixels is less than or equal to a specified maximum number of pixels to sample. The value I've been using is 1000
, which is a good balance between accurate results and runtime.
Everything is implemented in Swift except for the functions that convert between RGB and YUV color spaces, which use GLKit and thus must be written in C (since Swift doesn't support C unions at this time).
The project includes a Mac app that can be used to see the results of the algorithm and to run a simple benchmark.
- Indragie Karunaratne
- @indragie
Licensed under the MIT License.