Create custom permalinks, routes, and templates to be used in WordPress plugins, themes, and child themes..
You will need to add the wps-router.php file to your theme, plugin, or child theme. Then require the file from your functions.php file or autoload it.
Create a new instance of the router class with an array of the router arguments.
$router = new WPStudioCode\WPS_Router\WPSRouter(
'muffin' => [
'route' => muffin/,
'title' => __('Beautiful Muffin Title')],
'evenmore' => [
'route' => amazroute/,
'title' => __('Even More Awesomeness!!!')]
'templates', //Folder the templates are stored in
'template' //Query variable by which the template is identified (ex. get_query_var('template')) Defaults to template
In the example above... The URL will use the page title "Beautiful Muffin Title" and will fetch the template muffin.php from the /templates/ folder (in either the theme or the plugin depending on where the included wps-router.php file is called from).
The additional route above takes the URL and uses the page title "Even More Awesomeness!!!" and finds the template evenmore.php from the /templates/folder.