
A quiz (exam) application based on Shiny

Primary LanguageR

Shiny application for Clinical Chemistry Quizzes

App UI

This is a work-in-progress web application using Shiny for undertaking quizzes relatedo to the field of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. It showcases 'off-label' uses of Shiny for developing modern web applications.
The current version is in Dutch and a live version can be found at http://quiz.wptmdoorn.name.

Package dependecies

See renv.lock but some of these include googledrive, shiny and dplyr.


  1. Git clone the current repository
  2. Adjust code for own spreadsheets
  • Especially server/data.R/load_quiz_drive_data
  • Refer to the googledrive package for extensive documentation on automatic identification
  • As an alternative you can load local data, see server/data/load_quiz_data
  1. Run Shiny application