
A proof of concept for multi agent AI interaction

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Multi Agent POC

This is a proof of concept for a multi agent architecture. It simulates a developer(gpt-3.5-turbo) and code reviewer(gpt-3.5-turbo-0125) working together. The input box allows you to input code into the textbox. The developer will write the code and the code reviewer will suggest improvements and the iteration will continue.

Running the application

Requires Python, preferably 3.10 or higher

  1. Create a python virtual environment with conda or venv (optional)
    conda create -n multi-agent -y python=3.10 pip
    conda activate multi-agent
  1. Add your openai key to the streamlit secrets

Create the .streamlit folder and a file called secrets.toml, and add the key

    mkdir .streamlit
    touch .streamlit/secrets.toml

In the secrets.toml file put a line

OPENAI_API_KEY = "api key goes here"

  1. Install Requirements
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run it

With logging to a file

streamlit run multi_agent.py --logger.level=info 2>'app.log'

or log to terminal

streamlit run multi_agent.py

Example Conversations


Multi Agent