
Tool for working with iOS .mobileprovision files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tool for working with iOS .mobileprovision Files

This is a tool for working with .mobileprovision files in iOS

Status: Work in Progress, not all methods are implemented


pip install click

By default it will search the directory ${HOME}/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ where XCode currently stores the profiles

if you need to change the directory set an environment variable called MP_HOME to your path

export $MP_HOME=/path/to/your/directory


mp list                         # Lists all mobile provision profiles
mp list "My app name"           # Lists by app name
mp list -b "com.mycompany.app"  # List by bundle ID 


View the entire raw mobile provision by app name, or bundle ID. BundleID or name will need to be an exact match. App name can be found by using the list command.

mp view "My app" 
mp view -b "com.company.app"    




Credit to the answer in this stack overflow blog post for parsing files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6398364/parsing-mobileprovision-files-in-bash/10490095#10490095