
This repository is a third-party implementation of Attention, Learn to Solve Routing Problems!.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Attention, Learn to Solve Routing Problems!

This repository is a third-party implementation of Attention, Learn to Solve Routing Problems!.

Note: Offical implementation is here.
Note: Only TSP is implemented at the present.


Hardware and software environment

A Docker image containing whole reproducible environments is provided.

To pull the image:

docker pull wpwei/pytorch:latest

It is recommended to use GPU to accelerate the traning process. A CUDA compitabile GPU and drivers are needed to be installed.

Data generation

Training data is generated on the fly. To generate validation and test data (same as used in the paper) for all problems:

docker run -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace wpwei/pytorch:latest python generate_data.py --problem all --name validation --seed 4321

docker run -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace wpwei/pytorch:latest python generate_data.py --problem all --name test --seed 1234


To train the model(s) in the paper, run this command:

docker run --gpus all -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace wpwei/pytorch:latest python train.py --n_node <Number of node in TSP problem, default 20>

Corresponding validation set will be used by default for n_node 20, 50, and 100. For other n_node, please specify the validation set using --val_set or a validation set will be generated randomly.

During training, loss and validation cost will be logged with tensorboard in logdir lightning_logs. To monitor training process with tensorboard, run

tensorboard --logdir lightning_logs

Note: needs tensorboard installed.

After training finished, a checkpoint file containing model weights will be generatd in project root folder.

Refer to train.py to see other avaliable args.


To evaluate trained model on test dataset, run:

docker run --gpus all -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace wpwei/pytorch:latest python eval.py --ckpt_path <checkpoint file path> --test_data <test dataset path>

Pre-trained Models

Pre-trained models are in the pretrained folder, with tsp<n_node>_pretrained.ckpt file name schema.

To evaluate the pretrained model, e.g. on tsp20 test data, run

docker run --gpus all -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace wpwei/pytorch:latest python eval.py --ckpt_path pretrained/tsp20_pretrained.ckpt --test_data data/tsp/tsp20_test_seed1234.pkl


Our implementation achieves the following performance on TSP problems using the same test data in the paper:

Method TSP n=20 TSP n=50 TSP n=100
LKH3 (reported in paper) 3.84 (18s) 5.70 (5m) 7.76 (21m)
Reported in paper (greedy) 3.85 (0s) 5.80 (2s) 8.12 (6s)
Reported in paper (sampling) 3.84 (5m) 5.73 (24m) 7.94 (1h)
This repo (greedy) 3.88 (0s) 5.76 (1s) 8.09 (3s)
This repo (sampling) 3.87 (7m32s) 5.71 (20m42s) 7.91 (1h4m)


Thanks to the official implementation repo for the data generation scripts.


Any contribution is welcomed. Please feel free to sent me a pull request or drop an issue.