
A light chat app based on Flutter and Firebase

Primary LanguageDart

Flash Chat ⚡️


This app is based on a course project from The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart on Udemy. Refactors the original code, adds some new features and fixes some bugs.

Flash Chat is a light-weight group chat app for both iOS and Android. It is developed using Flutter. It uses Firebase Cloud Firestore, a cloud-based NoSQL database, and Firebase Authentication for secure authentication.



  • Download this repository by git clone https://github.com/wq-yang/Flash-App.git
  • Add you own Firestore Credentials:
    • Create a Google Firebase project.
    • Follow Firebase docs to enable Authentication and Cloud Firestore.
    • (If needed) Add Android app for your Firebase project, download google-services.json, and move it to /PATH_TO_YOUR_APP/android/app/
    • (If needed) Add iOS app for your Firebase project, download GoogleService-Info.plist, and move it to /PATH_TO_YOUR_APP/ios/Runner/
  • Build iOS and (or) Android version of Flash Chat.


  • Refactored the code based on DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) rule.
  • Reduced time to load message bubble style. From about 0.5 second to not noticeable.
  • Improved input experience — switch focus, submit form, and send message using only keyboard.
  • Disable navigating back to chat screen after the user has signed out.
  • Fixed the bug of possibly not showing messages chronological.
  • Fixed the bug of sending repetitive messages when hitting send button even if the input box is empty


  • Continue refactoring the code.
  • Allow creating and joining chatrooms with a generated room ID.
  • Prompt user when failing to log in or register.
  • Allow using customized username (by default using the log in email id).
  • Improve user experience when new message is sent.
  • More animations for loading etc.