Nearest Province/County Finder

final project of EC504

Jiaqi Zhang, Wenqiang Yang



  1. clone the repository by git clone, and go to directory Nearest-Province-Finder
  2. run command make to compile
  3. You may need to run ulimit -s unlimited so that you can load the whole data to stack memory.
  4. run CLI with the input file as its first argument ./cli NationalFile_StateProvinceDecimalLatLong.txt
  5. Follow the instruction and have fun!


  1. To run the GUI, first make sure that node and npm is all set on your computer. If not, please refer to You may need to set $PATH variable, like export PATH=~/node-v17.2.0-linux-x64/bin:$PATH.

    1. go to directory gui
    2. Run npm i to install necessary libraries
    3. Run npm start &. If it runs successfully, you can visit localhost:8080 in your browser and will see the map.
  2. To make the nearest place finder working, we need to start a backend server.

    1. Go to services. If you are at gui right now, run cd ../services
    2. compile server.cpp by g++ -std=c++11 -o server -pthread
    3. run ./server ../NationalFile_StateProvinceDecimalLatLong.txt &. If no error message promps, the server starts successfully.
  3. Now you can visit localhost:8080 and enjoy fast finding K nearest points! (You may need to zoom in if the nearest points are close to each other)


File srtucture

some important files

  • findKNearst.h: defines how to read file, and main structure of K-d tree

  • cli.cpp: deals with cli interface

  • gui/src/index.ts: gui implementation

  • services/server.cpp: server with RESTful API dealing with nearest point querying


Big thanks to and They make the GUI development (and the backend services development) much easier.

Our implementation of K-d tree referred to (Chinese).