IMU-Based 9-DOF Odometry


We provide training code that can use OxIOD or EuRoC MAV datasets.

  1. Download the desired dataset and unzip it into the project folder (the path should be "<project folder>/Oxford Inertial Odometry Dataset/handheld/data<id>/" for OxIOD and "<project folder>/<sequence name>/mav0/" for EuRoC MAV)
  2. Run python dataset output, where dataset is either oxiod or euroc and output is the model output name (output.hdf5).

Pretrained models

Pretrained models can be downloaded here:


We provide code for trajectory prediction and visual comparison with ground truth trajectories from OxIOD or EuRoC MAV datasets.

  1. Download the desired dataset and unzip it into the project folder (the path should be "<project folder>/Oxford Inertial Odometry Dataset/handheld/data<id>/" for OxIOD and "<project folder>/<sequence name>/mav0/" for EuRoC MAV)
  2. Run python dataset model input gt, where:
  • dataset is either oxiod or euroc;
  • model is the trained model file path (e.g. 6dofio_oxiod.hdf5);
  • input is the input sequence path (e.g. "Oxford Inertial Odometry Dataset/handheld/data4/syn/imu1.csv" for OxIOD, "MH_02_easy/mav0/imu0/data.csv\" for EuRoC MAV);
  • gt is the ground truth path (e.g. "Oxford Inertial Odometry Dataset/handheld/data4/syn/vi1.csv" for OxIOD, "MH_02_easy/mav0/state_groundtruth_estimate0/data.csv" for EuRoC MAV).


We provide code for computing trajectory RMSE for testing sequences from OxIOD or EuRoC MAV datasets.

  1. Download the desired dataset and unzip it into the project folder (the path should be "<project folder>/Oxford Inertial Odometry Dataset/handheld/data<id>/" for OxIOD and "<project folder>/<sequence name>/mav0/" for EuRoC MAV)
  2. Run python dataset model, where dataset is either oxiod or euroc and model is the trained model file path (e.g. 6dofio_oxiod.hdf5).