Implementation of Gradient Embeding Perturbation (GEP)

See our paper "Do not Let Privacy Overbill Utility: Gradient Embedding Perturbation for Private Learning" in ICLR 2021 for more details.


This code is tested on Linux system with CUDA version 11.0

To run the source code, please first install the following packages: python>=3.6 numpy>=1.15 torch>=1.3 torchvision>=0.4 scipy six backpack-for-pytorch

Example commands

Private learning with GEP: This code supports CIFAR10 and extended SVHN datasets. The following command trains a ResNet20 model with GEP using a 1000-dimensional anchor subspace and 2000 auxiliary samples from ImageNet.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python  --private --rgp --clip0 5 --clip1 2 --num_bases 1000 --aux_dataset imagenet --aux_data_size 2000 --sess cifar10_GEP_default

The default command evenly divides the parameters into three groups. This parameter grouping trick significantly reduces the memory cost.

You can also train with Biased-GEP with the '--rgp' flag removed.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python  --private --clip0 5 --num_bases 1000 --aux_dataset imagenet --aux_data_size 2000 --sess cifar10_BGEP_default

The default dataset is CIFAR10, you can train with SVHN using the following command.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python  --private --rgp --dataset 'svhn' --n_epoch 10 --clip0 5 --clip1 2 --num_bases 1000 --aux_dataset imagenet --aux_data_size 2000 --sess svhn_GEP_default

We divide the parameters into multiple groups to reduce the computational/memory cost (see the discussion in Section 3.1 and Appendix B). The number of groups is controlled by the argument '--num_groups'. The default choice is 3. Increasing '--num_groups' reduces both computational and memory costs, but leads to slightly worse performance.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python  --private --rgp --num_groups 10 --clip0 5 --clip1 2 --num_bases 1000 --aux_dataset imagenet --aux_data_size 2000 --sess cifar10_GEP_default

The default choice of auxiliary dataset is ImageNet. We downsample the samples from ImageNet and store them in the file 'imagenet_examples_2000'. You can also use samples from CIFAR100 as the auxiliary dataset, which yields similar performance.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python  --private --rgp  --clip0 5 --clip1 2 --num_bases 1000 --aux_dataset cifar100 --aux_data_size 2000 --sess cifar10_GEP_default