
NormFace: L2 HyperSphere Embedding for Face Verification

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NormFace: L2 HyperSphere Embedding for Face Verification


Baseline Model Original Accuracy Finetune Using Normalization
Light CNN(MaxOut)   98.41%*   98.78%
Center Face(ResNet) 99.03% 99.21%

* It is 98.13% on Light CNN's project page. After applying the mirror face trick, it becomes 98.41%.


  1. My Caffe (https://github.com/happynear/caffe-windows/tree/ms). It also works on Linux. Anyway, if you want to use your own Caffe, please transplant the inner_product_layer, inner_distance_layer, normalize_layer, general_contrastive_layer, flip_layer, softmax_layer and accuracy_layer to your Caffe. Since there are too many layers to transplant, I suggest you to use my Caffe directly:)
  2. Matlab to draw some figures.
  3. GPU with CUDA support.
  4. MTCNN face and facial landmark detector(https://github.com/kpzhang93/MTCNN_face_detection_alignment).
  5. Baseline model such as center face or Light CNN or your own model trained by softmax loss. I don't know whether my loss helps or not if your model is trained by other loss functions. You may have a try. I believe it will be effective if there is no normalization term in your model.


  1. The dataset used in this paper is CASIA-Webface. Note that there are 3 identities overlap between CASIA-Webface and LFW. They are 0166921, 1056413 and 1193098. For fair evaluation, it is recommended to remove them from CAISA-Webface.
  2. Align all face images using MTCNN. The script can be found in my another github repository.
  3. Replace the final inner-product layer and softmax layer with layers defined in scaled_cosine_softmax.prototxt or normalized_Euclidean_contrastive.prototxt.
  4. Fine-tune the network based on the original model using a small learning rate, say 0.001 or 0.0001.


Evaluation codes are in my another github repository. Please refer to the second paragraph of the Update section.

A trick called mirror face is used during extracting the features. A sample code is in ./prototxt/example_of_mirror_face.prototxt.

About the mirror face: Mirror face is the most effective prior for face image analysis. You may also try it on other face image tasks in and end-to-end manner. However, I find it has no help on training face verification models. It can improve the performance of face identification, but when I applied it on face verification, the accuracy even decreased:(

About the histogram feature for video face verification:

Trained Models

Light CNN B model(98.78%): Google Drive or Baidu Yun.

Center Face model(99.21%): Google Drive or Baidu Yun.


This code is distributed under MIT LICENSE. The released models are only allowed for non-commercial use.


If you find these codes useful in your research, please cite

Author = {Feng Wang and Xiang Xiang and Jian Cheng and Alan L. Yuille},
Title = {NormFace: L2 Hypersphere Embedding for Face Verification},
Year = {2017},
Eprint = {arXiv:1704.06369}


Feng Wang [feng.wff(at)gmail.com], please replace (at) with @.