This project consists of several modules:
- Types and Definitions: Defining ErrorResponse, StatusResponse, Video related types and other types, and utility types.
: Provides functionality for interacting with BunnyCDN storage endpoints.Collection.ts
: Represents a video collection in Bunny Stream and provides functions for modifying the collection.Stream.ts
: Provides the main functionalities and interacts with Bunny Stream API's - Video and Collection management operations.
import BunnyCDN, { StorageEndpoints } from "bunnycdn";
const cdn = new BunnyCDN({
AccessKey: "access-key",
StorageZone: StorageEndpoints.Falkenstein
import { EdgeStorage, StorageEndpoints } from "bunnycdn";
const edgeStorage = new EdgeStorage("access-key", StorageEndpoints.Falkenstein);
const storageZone = edgeStorage.CreateClient("storage-zone-name");
const files = await storageZone.ListFiles('.')
for (let file of files) {
console.log(`A file was found with the name ${file.ObjectName} and the guid ${file.Guid} with ${file.Length} bytes.`)
import { Stream } from "bunnycdn";
const stream = new Stream();
const library = stream.GetLibrary(1234, 'access-key');
const MyCollection = await library.GetCollection("collection-guid");
const result = (
await library.ListVideos({
page: 1,
itemsPerPage: 100,
orderBy: 'date',
search: 'My Video'
).data || {};
for (let video of result) {
console.log(`${video.title}} has ${video.views} views and is ${video.length} seconds long`);
Type: interface
interface ErrorResponse {
HttpCode: number;
Message: string;
- Represents an error response object with the properties
Type: enum
enum StatusResponse {
OK = 200,
CREATED = 201,
NOT_FOUND = 404,
// Undefined
- Represents the possible HTTP status code responses.
Declares VideoCaption
, VideoChapter
, VideoMoment
, VideoMetaTag
, VideoTranscodingMessageLevel
, VideoStatus
, Video
, APIVideo
, VideoStatics
, and VideoList
Please refer to the provided typings for their definitions.
To create an instance of EdgeStorage, you need to provide AccessKey
and optionally, StorageZone
as parameters.
const edgeStorage = new EdgeStorage('your-access-key', StorageEndpoints.Falkenstein);
- get Endpoint(): Returns the current storage endpoint being used.
- set Endpoint(StorageZone: StorageEndpoints): Sets the current storage endpoint.
edgeStorage.Endpoint = StorageEndpoints.NY
- get AccessKey(): Returns the access key being used.
- set AccessKey(AccessKey: string): Sets the access key.
edgeStorage.AccessKey = 'access-key-2'
- CreateClient(StorageZoneName: string): Creates and returns an instance of
Extends from EdgeStorage.
- ListFiles(path: string): Fetches and returns a list of storage entities for the given path.
await edgeStorageClient.ListFiles('.')
- DownloadFile(path: string): Downloads the file at the given path.
await edgeStorageClient.DownloadFile('videos/hello_world.mp4')
- UploadFile(path: string, fileContent: Buffer): Uploads a file with the specified content to the given path.
await edgeStorageClient.UploadFile('images/javascript.png', MyImageBuffer)
- DeleteFile(path: string): Deletes a file at the given path.
await edgeStorageClient.DeleteFile('temp/old_database.json')
interface APICollection {
videoLibraryId: number;
guid?: string;
name?: string;
videoCount: number;
totalSize: number;
previewVideoIds?: string;
- Represents the API response for a video collection.
This class represents a video collection with methods to update and delete itself.
Constructor parameters:
data: APICollection
collectionId: string
library: Library
- Update(name?: string): Updates the collection with the new name if provided.
await myCollection.Update('my-collection-updated')
- Delete(): Deletes the collection.
await myCollection.Delete()
Main class for working with Bunny Stream APIs.
const stream = new Stream();
- GetLibrary(libraryId: number, accessKey: string): Retrieves the library with the given library ID and access key.
This class represents a Bunny Stream library.
Constructor parameters:
libraryId: number
accessKey: string
- GetVideo(videoId: number): Retrieves a video with the given video ID.
await stream.GetVideo(12345)
- GetVideoStatistics(params: object): Fetches video statistics based on given parameters.
await stream.GetVideoStatistics({ dateFrom: '2023-01-01T12:00:00.000Z', dateTo: '2023-04-03T12:00:00.000Z', hourly: true, videoGuid: 'my-unique-guid' })
- ListVideos(params: object): Lists videos in the library based on given parameters.
await stream.ListVideos({ page: 1; itemsPerPage: 100; search: 'My video'; collection: 'my-collection-guid', orderBy: 'date' })
- CreateVideo(params: object): Creates a new video in the library.
await stream.CreateVideo({ title: 'My Newest Video', collectionId: 'my-collection-guid', thumbnailTime: 67 // hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds })
- FetchVideo(bodyParams: object, queryParams: object): Fetches a video from a remote URL.
await stream.FetchVideo({ url: '', headers: { 'my-header-key': 'my-header-value', // ... } }, { collectionId: 'my-collection-guid', lowPriority: true, thumbnailTime: 67 // hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds })
- GetCollection(collectionId: string): Retrieves a collection with the given collection ID.
await stream.GetCollection('my-collection-guid')
- GetCollectionList(queryParams: object): Retrieves a list of collections based on given parameters.
await stream.GetCollection({ page: 1, itemsPerPage: 100, search: 'My Collection', orderBy: "date" })
- CreateCollection(name?: string): Creates a new collection in the library with the specified name.
await stream.CreateCollection('my-collection')
export interface UpdateParams {
title?: string;
collectionId?: string;
chapters?: VideoChapter[];
moments?: VideoMoment[];
metaTags?: VideoMetaTag[];
- Represents the parameters that can be updated when calling the
This class encapsulates a video in Bunny Stream.
Constructor parameters:
library: Library
data: APIVideo
videoId: number
Update(props: UpdateParams)
: Updates the video with the provided properties. Give a object whose is suitable forUpdateParams
: Deletes the video.await video.Delete()
Upload(enabledResolutions?: string)
: Uploads the video with the specified resolutions (optional). Coming SoonGetHeatmap()
: Retrieves the video heatmap data.await video.GetHeatmap()
: Re-encodes the video.await video.Reencode()
SetThumbnail(payload: { thumbnailUrl?: string; })
: Sets the thumbnail of the video.await video.SetThumbnail({ thumbnailUrl: '' })
AddCaption(srclang: string, params: { srclang?: string; label?: string; captionsFile?: string; })
: Adds a caption to the video.await video.AddCaption('tr', { srclang: 'tr', label: 'Turkish', captionsFile: Base64(MyFileContent) })
DeleteCaption(srclang: string)
: Deletes a caption from the video.await video.DeleteCaption('tr')
By using the Video
class, you can manage individual videos in your Bunny Stream library.
By using these classes and methods, you can perform various operations related to BunnyCDN Storage and Bunny Stream.