
Creates xml from xslx files. To be used with transformer application.

Primary LanguageJava


ExcelXML is a java based console application that creates an XML file from an excel (xlsx) file. The resulting xml follows a very basic structure that is the same as if exporting from MS Excel.


  • A java virtual machine.
  • Currently testing this with OpenJDK 1.7 under CentOS 6.5.

Source Requirements:

Mostly Apache's POI as the API for working with excel files. Also some maven utilities.

  • Non-standard issue java essentials here:
    • poi-3.10-FINAL
    • dom4j-1.6.1
    • Xerces-J-2_11_0
    • xmlbeans-2.6.0


  • Download the pre-built excelXML.jar file
  • Alternatively, download the source and compile
  • Run the application supplying two arguments
    • First argument is the name/path of the excel file.
    • Second is the desired name/path of the xml file.
    • Ex. java -jar excelXML.jar filename.xlsx output.xml

Reasons for project:

  • The current version of MS Excel requires the user to map their worksheet to an xml schema or create one. This is a bit of a chore for some users.
  • There is an old but useful plugin for Excel 2003 but requires minor code changes to work.
  • I wanted a way to add this functionality to other apps I am working on.