A simple logger for Elixir that writes log information in JSON format on standard output.
Configure your mix.exs
and add the dependency:
defp deps do
[{:ex_wrapplog, github: "wrapp/ex-wrapplog"}]
def application do
[applications: [:ex_wrapplog]]
Configure your config.exs
to set the logging level (or to turn off logging).
config :ex_wrapplog, :level, :info
# Set the name of the service (It will be logged)
config :ex_wrapplog, service_name: "myservice"
To turn off logging set the configuration to :off
config :ex_wrapplog, :level, :off
In your elixir app.
alias ExWrapplog, as: Log
Log.log(:debug | :info | :warn | :error, "This is a log message")
log additional parameters
Log.log(:error, "This is an error message", %{reason: "Any reason"})
{"timestamp":"2017-03-28T13:46:06.989172Z","service":"myservice","reason":"Any reason", "msg":"This is an error message","level":"error"}
Some shortcuts:
Log.debug("This is a debug message")
Log.info("This is an information")
Log.warn("This is a warning")
Log.error("This is an error message")