
Test kubernetes cluster and namespace healthy

Primary LanguagePython

Goal of this repo

  • Test kube-* namespace, eg: kube-system, kube-monitor, kube-ingress

    • Check the pods are running
    • Detect the existence of any Crash Loops
  • Test the health of the various Master Components

    • kube-scheduler
    • kube-controller-manager
    • kube-proxy
    • coredns
  • E2E tests

    • Simple app works with cert-manager
    • Kiam functionality

E2E Test Scenario:

  • Verify simple app works with cert-manager

    • deploy 1 simple app
      • 1 deployment
      • 1 ingress with TLS enabled
      • 1 service
    • curl https with endpoints
    • Then
      • teardown apps
  • Verify Kiam works

    • Deploy a pod with IAM role
    • The pod could put data into s3 bucket
    • Use AWS SDK check s3 bucket content
    • Then
      • teardown the app
      • delete s3 bucket

How to run the kube tests for different envs

  • $ make test-europa-stg
  • $ make test-dev-green

How to debug and run in container

  • $ make sh-europa-stg

Ref for the kube-app

ToDo scenario:

  • Verify SQS operator works

    • Apply crd in our cluster
    • app could send message to SQS
    • app could read message from SQS
    • Then
      • Teardwon the app
  • Verify Postgres operator works

    • Apply crd in our cluster
    • wait create the rds in AWS
    • app connect to rds with secret
    • Then
      • teardwon the app
      • Delete the rds instance
  • Verify Istio app ??(Maybe we should trust the istio)

    • deploy 2 simple app without sidecar
    • deploy 2 simple app with sidecar
    • test endpoints work with TLS
    • test services level communication works
      • with sidecar could talk to with sidecar
      • with sidecar could talk to without sidecar
      • without sidecar could talk to with sidecar
      • without sidecar could talk to without sidecar
    • Then
      • teardown apps