All these libraries are tested and used by myself. Bookmarks are just not enough and we cannot share them on public easily.
Here are the awesome iOS / Swift libraries.
- SwiftDate - Good library for using timestamp and normal date in Swift 3
- AlamofireObjectMapper - An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response to your own object model
- SwiftyJSON - The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift
- IHKeyboardAvoiding - Extremely useful and easy to use keyboard avoiding library
- DropDown - Customizable and material dropdown menu library
- GLTimeline - Beautiful timeline library, not well documented. NOT Recommended for new iOS Developers
- CDAlertView - Well supported and easy to use alert/dialog/popup library
- NotificationBanner - Perfect, customizable and easy to use Banner Dropdown library
- SCLAlertView - Beautiful and customizable alert view library
- Lottie - Extremely easy to use and native animation library!
- Pastel - Perfect and extremely easy to use, gradient color change animation library.
- Sequents - Cool and easy to use library for first animation in a View Controller
- Transitions Everywhere - Perfect library for creating magical transitions. Easy to use & Well documented.
- EasySocialButton - Easy to use and beautiful customizable button
- Floaty - Easy to implement and very customizable floaty button, can add more than one button with Floaty
- VHBoomMenuButton - Marvelous animations, plenty of animation options, wonderful documentation
- DateTimePicker - The best calendar library ever ! Perfect UI and easy to implement
- FSCalendar - Very good calendar library with its UI, supports Widget Calendar
- ALCameraViewController - Amazing camera library! You just do not forget to get the permissions
- Chameleon - Perfect for gradient and flat color schemas
- MaterialColor - Material Color Palette Library
- SwiftGif - Tiny & easy to use GIF library
- RSLoadingView - Very beautiful and customizable loading indicator library
- NVActivityIndicatorView - Easy to use, so many options perfect indicator library
- SwiftyOnboard - Easy to use and very beautiful way to onboarding (introductionview) library, not totally up-to-date but still so easy to use
- McPicker - Easy to use and very useful pickerview, also it is customizable
- CZPicker - So beautiful and easy to use single/multi selection support pickerview.
- Smile-Lock - I do not recommend this library for newbie iOS developers. It is not easy to customize and implement but once understand the library, can do anything with it.
- RAMPaperSwitch - Awesome animation switch library but its installation guide is not enough. Need to check their example, NOT recommended for new iOS Developers
- XLPagerTabStrip - Material Tab library, very good ReadME file.
- TagListView - Very easy to implement and customizable tag list library
- TextFieldEffects - Many effects and easy to use TextField library
- SkyFloatingLabelTextField - Beautiful material design textfield for Swift 3
- Alamofire - Best Swift networking library
- ReachabilityLib - Very simple and tiny network connection control library
- StompClientLib- Very simple STOMP Client socket library
- MJPEGStreamLib- Very simple and easy to use MJPEGStream Library