
cfs-binary-release is how we perform vendoring AND release management.

Updating a existing binary for release

  1. Run make yourbinaryname to copy the target to the binaries/ directory
  2. Run make save to have godep save/vendor the the build env based on YOUR CURRENT go path
  3. Run make test to verify things aren't broken and binaries build.
  4. Run make diff to see what godep changed
  5. Edit VERSION and increment it
  6. Git add any new things
  7. Send Pull request

Updating dependencies of existing binaries for release

  1. go get the dependency to your system like usual (assuming its an external one)
  2. Run make update and make save to have godep save/vendor the build env based on YOUR CURRENT go path
  3. Optionally run make test and make diff
  4. Edit VERSION and increment it
  5. git add any new things
  6. Send Pull request

Updating a specific dependency

  1. go get -u the dependency to your system like usual
  2. run godep update the/dependency/thing
  3. Optionally run make test and make diff
  4. Edit VERSION and increment it
  5. git add any new things
  6. Send Pull request

Adding a new binary for release

  1. Edit the Makefile and add a new "yourbinaryname" target to copy the binary to binaries/yourbinaryname
  2. Edit the Makefile and add a new "yourbinaryname" build target to build the binary in builds/
  3. Edit the Makefile and add your new target to the sync-all targets dependencies
  4. Profit?

Do all the things!

  1. Run make world, sync's all existing binaries, and updates ALL dependencies


  1. Checkout a specific version
  2. Run godep restore which will likely make your existing $GOPATH/src ugly, so you might want to cp -a $GOPATH/src $GOPATH/stashedsrc so you can flip back later.


Maybe automagically use git submodules to binaries ?

Beware the .gitignore!

The .gitignore in binaries/ explicitly only allows files of type .go, .conf, and .toml to make sure the repo stays clean and doesn't accidentally get contaminated with other cruft.