
A Paint program using Python 3

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A Paint program using Python 3 and Tkinter

Libraries used

This Project uses Python 3.8 along with an inbuilt module called Tkinter. Although This project is build in Python version 3.8.3, but it will work with any Python 3 version. Unless there any changes to the Tkinter Module.

How to Run on your Machine

Download the Windows Executable from releases Page

Or if you wish to build it on your own or try editing code etc, follow below steps.

Steps to Setup Working Dev Environment

  1. Clone the Repo by either forking or downloading Zip.

  2. Extract the File if Downloaded using Zip method.

  3. Open a Terminal in the Folder and setup a Python Virtual Environment using venv.

    • Windows

      py -3.8 -m venv <virtual_environment_name>
    • Linux/MacOS

      python3.8 -m venv <virtual_environment_name>

      where <virtual_environment_name> is your preferred name for Virtual Environment

  4. Activate the Environment by executing activate file stored in the Virtual Environment.

    # for Linux or Mac
    source ./<virtual_environment_name>/bin/activate
    # for Windows
  5. Check for any updates available using pip if required

  6. Install the Dependencies from requirements.txt

    # works same on Windows, linux and MacOs
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Now run by simply using these Commands

    # for Windows use py
    py -3.8 main.py
    #for MacOS or Linux use python
    python3.8 main.py


Assuming how the Dev Environment is setup, either as above or by your own liking, and all the requirements are installed, the binary could be built by executing following commands.

pyinstaller --onefile --windowed main.py --name pyPaint-vx.x --clean
# vx.x is the version number

--onefile to create a single file binary

--name to specify the name for the binary, like version number etc with the binary's name

--windowed to tell pyinstaller to make a GUI build not CLI

--clean to clear the previous cache of the build


This Project is Licensed Unlicensed. It means You are free to do whatever you want with the code and use wherever you want to.