
The jQuery Fanvenues plugin (v2) is a full featured Javascript API targeted for ticket brokers selling sports or concerts tickets on their website. The plugin turns selected elements into an interactive customizable venue map with the capability of showing 3D views from every section. Depending on the broker's exchange and requested venue id and event id, Fanvenues plugin delivers the appropriate map. Fanvenues maps consist of a growing list of NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL, NCAA, US OPEN TENNIS and CONCERT venues. The plugin reads the broker's ticket list from a JSON parameter option passed at initialization. The map automatically interacts with the ticket list and caters for different section naming conventions used within the list. Section names that cannot be mapped are pushed to the 'unmapped' section.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

 Fanvenues 3D Interactive Seating Maps <http://www.fanvenues.com>
 Copyright (c) 2010 Peekspy Pte Ltd <http://www.peekspy.com>
 Author: Oliver Oxenham
 Date created: 2010-08-02
 Date updated: 2011-11-03
 Latest version: 2.2.8f01

 2.2.8f01 : Add a few event triggers and minor customizations to work with custom implementation.

 2.2.8 : resolved bug with section select bind event 'fvmapSectionSelect' where ticket list within selected section wasn't being returned properly.
 2.2.7 : added public method "getLayoutId" to retrieve the current fanvenues layout ID.
 2.2.6 : updated logical bug in price filtering within sections on mouseout event.
 2.2.5 : added public function "getOriginalSectionNamesFor". Returns all original section names for a specific section.
 2.2.4 : resolved logical bug in price filtering within sections.
 		 prevent filtered out sections from being selected.
 2.2.3 : resolved price filtering bug where sections filtered became unfiltered after a mouseout event.
 		 changed use of 'for..in' to standard for-loop to loop through arrays.
 2.2.2 : resolved bug in IE9 ajax requests preventing calls to fanvenues server because of missing 'onprogress' function.
 2.2.1 : added bind event 'fvmapReady' - triggered when the map is loaded and ready to use.
 		 updated online documentation api.
 2.2.0 : worked out some browser compatibilities issues. now opens fine in Firefox 3.5 and above.
 2.1.9 : solved bug in IE9 ajax requests that is not consistent with XMLHttpRequest
 2.1.8 : change jsonp requests to post requests for quicker data transfer especially with extremely large ticket lists.
 2.1.7 : clear all previous event bindings before attaching new ones.
 2.1.6 : changed spic and lpic to pic. Original image size is 1400x752. To get a resized image, append argument 'size=<width>x<height>'.
	 added new option to customize thumbnail image size (ssize) and enlarged image size (lsize).
 2.1.5 : improved 3D views (better quality) for Fanvenues v2.1.5 and above.
 2.1.4 : fanvenues now using new tile server fanvenues3.
 2.1.3 : removed the 'arrow button' which appeared when action buttons (fullscreen, reset and print) are enabled.
 2.1.2 : added 'scrollWheelZoom' to options. Default set to 'false' to avoid zooming in and out with mouse scrollwheel.
		 added public methods 'getLargeImage', 'getSmallImage' and 'getAllSections'.
		 disabled right-clicking on the ticket row.
		 removed bind event 'fvmapSectionClick'.
		 added bind event 'fvmapSectionDeselect' (triggered when a section is deselected) and 'fvmapSectionSelect' (triggered when a section is selected).
 2.1.1 : changed 'rowsSelector' to 'rowSelector'.
         changed id 'priceSliderAmount' to class.
		 added private method for loading priceFilter.
		 changed priceFilterContainer from ul to div.
 2.1.0 : Added jQuery section and row selectors as options (removed the old way of interacting with ticket list).
		 Added public method wrappers for focusSection, blurSection, clickSection.
		 Changed all event names to camel-case: fvmapSectionBlur, fvmapSectionSelect, fvmapSectionDeselect, 
		 										fvmapSectionFocus, fvmapNotAvailable
		 Added <ul> elements as parents of <li> elements.
		 Removed 'fvmsg' div.
		 Changed price slider id to class.
		 Standardized class names for price slider.
		 Now passing current version to Fanvenues server for appropriate response.
 2.0.5 : added new bind event: 'fvmap-section-blur' for when mouse moves out of a section
 2.0.4 : convert ticket price to string
 2.0.3 : set streetViewControl to false
 2.0.2 : added new bind events: 'fvmap-section-selected', 'fvmap-section-deselect', 'fvmap-section-hover'
 2.0.1 : changed bind event from 'enlarge-image' to 'fvmap-enlarge-image'.
 2.0.0 : Fanvenues released.

	- jQuery v1.6+
	- jQuery UI v1.8+
	- Google Maps API v3