
React Axiom is way to use models with React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Axiom

React Axiom is a way to use models with React.

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Getting Started

Install React Axiom:

npm install --save react-axiom

To build a model class for an application, import and extend the React Axiom Model class:

import { Model } from 'react-axiom';

class Task extends Model {};

const task1 = new Task({
  completed: false,
  description: 'Hello world'

When instantiating a model, the Model base class will meta-program helper methods to set and access state. See the model reference for more information on these helper methods. For this particular example they are the following:

//=> false

//=> true

//=> 'Hello world'

//=> true

task1.setDescription('Hello again');
//=> 'Hello again'

Create a React component to display the task model and wrap the component with the higher-order React Axiom subscribe() function to ensure that the React component will re-render when the model's state changes:

import React from 'react';
import { subscribe } from 'react-axiom';

class TaskComponent from React.Component {
  render() {
    const { task } = this.props;
    return (
          onClick={() => task.setCompleted(true)}

const TaskSubscriber = subscribe(TaskComponent);

Finally, use the wrapped component like any other React component and pass the model instance as a property:

ReactDOM.render(<TaskSubscriber task={task1} />);