
GFW Tile Cache Service

Primary LanguagePython

GFW Tile Service

Raster and vector tile API for datasets in the GFW Data API and Titiler dynamic tiling for raster assets in publicly accessible cloud storage.


Option 1: Developing against the Data API postgres database in one of the cloud environments (dev, staging or production):

  • Make sure you have ssh access to the bastion host of the aws account (contact a Data API Engineering team member to get help with this).

  • Open ssh tunnel connection to the database you'd like to connect to. For example, for the staging environment:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N -L 5432:application-autoscaling-698c9c01-db99-4430-a97a-6baaae853dc6.cljrqsduwhdo.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:5432 ec2-user@gfw-staging

  • Set the environment variables for the read only credentials of the above database. The environment variables are GFW_DB_NAME, GFW_DB_USER_RO and GFW_DB_PASSWORD_RO. These are also listed in the docker-compose.dev.yml file.

  • In docker-compose.dev.yml, set DATA_LAKE_BUCKET to the desired environment's bucket name. By default, the staging environment bucket (gfw-data-lake-staging) will be used.

  • In docker-compose.dev.yml, set AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE to your aws profile in ~/.aws that will grant your dev instance access to the aws resources including the data lake bucket above in the aws account of the interest (contact a Data API Engineering team member to get an account).

  • Run the start up script from the root directory: ./scripts/develop

Option 2: Developing against a local instance of Data API database

  • Start dev instance of Data API locally using the instructions here

  • Run the start up script from the root directory with the option to point to the local Data API: ./scripts/develop --local_data_api