
:sheep: our meetup resources and many more

📑 Meetup

Our resources about meetup,workshops and etc

💪 Workshop ES6 and React Native

  • Ivan Fadila Putra, Introduction ES6 feature Dowload
  • M Nindra Zaka, TODO Apps with ReactNative and NativeBase Dowload

📢 Opentalk #1 Women in modern era technology

  • Kris Widyo, How to build startup Dowload
  • Herlina Prastiwi, Javascript Jaman naw Dowload
  • M Beny Pengestu, Agile Metodologi and Scrum Framework Dowload

📢 Opentalk #2 How To Begin Your Journey with AI Technology

  • Hilal Arsa Himawan, AI in your daily life Dowload
  • Reyhan Sofian Haqqi, Conversatioanl Apps for the future Download

📢 OpenTalk #3 Lets Make Impact With Technology

  • M Naufal Rabbani , Memulai Karir IT Dengan Kontribusi Tanpa Nanti Download
  • Didik Tri Susanto , Become Inspiring Software Engineer Download

📢 OpenTalk #4 See the game from other side

  • Dede , Review the game from different perspective Download
  • Ibnu Raziq , World building and crafting UI&UX for your game Download

📢 OpenTalk #5 Develop people in millenial age

  • Yudho Januar Prakoso , 7 Formula pintar bersaing di era digital Download
  • Misbakhul Mustofin ,Menjadi AGILE untuk menghadapi Era Digital yang Unpredictable Download