
Terraform to deploy Randcast AWS Metrics and Alarms infrastructure.

Primary LanguageHCL

Randcast Alarms Terraform IAC

Terraform to deploy Randcast AWS Metrics and Alarms infrastructure.


# deploy us-east-1 resources
cd us-east-1/terraform
terraform plan
terraform apply

# deploy us-east-2 resources
cd us-east-2/terraform
terraform plan
terraform apply

# General
cd terraform
terraform init # download provider plugins to intereact with aws
terraform validate # validate
terraform plan # view the state changes that will occur
terraform apply # provision the resources
terraform destroy # kill previously provisioned resources 

Folder structure

(within us-east-1 or us-east-2)
└── terraform/
    ├── cloudwatch.tf
    ├── lambda-s3-bucket.tf
    ├── lambda.tf
    ├── provider.tf
    ├── sns-topic.tf
    └── variables.tf
└── functions/
    └── send-cloudwatch-alarms-to-slack/
        └── function.py

Slack Alarm Example

Networks where Alerts are currently suppported

  • Eth Mainnet (1)

  • OP Mainnet (10)

  • Base Mainnet (8453)

  • Redstone Mainnet (?)

  • Eth Goerli (5)

  • OP Goerli (420)

  • Base Goerli (84531)

  • Lootchain Goerli (9088912)

  • Eth Sepolia (11155111)

  • OP Sepolia (11155420) <- (randcast not yet implemented)

  • Base Sepolia (84532) <- (randcast not yet implemented)

  • Eth Holesky (17000)

  • Redstone Holesky (17001)

  • Taiko Katla Holesky (167008)

How to support a new network

Look at cloudwatch.tf, add a metric filter and alarm section for the new network.

Metric Filters Implemented

Region: us-east-2

Log Group: test-goerli-node-client-logs

  • Eth Goerli: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(5)"
  • OP Goerli: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(420)"
  • Base Goerli: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(84531)"
  • Lootchain Goerli: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(9088912)"

Log Group: test-holesky-node-client-logs

  • Eth Holesky: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(17000)"
  • Redstone Holesky: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(17001)"
  • Taiko Katla Holesky: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(167008)"


Log Group: test-sepolia-node-client-logs

  • Eth Sepolia: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(11155111)"
  • OP Sepolia: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(11155420)"
  • Base Sepolia: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(84532)"

Log Group: prod-mainnet-node-client-logs

  • Eth Mainnet: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(1)"
  • OP Mainnet: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(10)"
  • Base Mainnet: "Transaction successful(fulfill_randomness) with chain_id(8453)"

Differences between us-east-1 and us-east-2 folder

  • terraform/variables.tf: region set here to match folder. This region is used to name global variables:

    • IAM Role: sns-logs-${var.region}
    • IAM Role: send-cloudwatch-alarms-to-slack-${var.region}
    • Lambda S3: lambda-${var.region}-pet-name
  • terraform/cloudwatch.tf: metric filters and alarms set to match regional log groups.

Rolldice contract locations (for testing)

  • eth goerli: 0xCA7990A5639560Df0e20aEAD45AD2c0990768a64 (sub #8)
  • op goerli: 0x278c8a42b3506724153625e7e233BD5940042F0F (sub #87)
  • eth sepolia: 0x98dB27BCa7193dae03dBaA67d16B90B49F2C6722 (sub #112)

Slack Webhook URL secret manually uplaoded

Note: The slack_url webhook secret was manually added to SSM Parameter Store encrypted via console, and is referenced by the lambda code like so:

# functions/send-cloudwatch-alarms-to-slack/function.py
ssm = boto3.client("ssm")
parameter = ssm.get_parameter(Name="slack_url", WithDecryption=True)
slack_url = parameter["Parameter"]["Value"]