
Some very basic static functions to encourage safe usage of Java 8 Optionals (as opposed to unsafe usage of Optional::get).

Optionals.either(Optional maybe, Function<T, R> ifPresent, Supplier ifAbsent)

This is the recommended basic way of interacting with Optionals, because it forces the user to consider both the present and the absent case, without presenting alluring but unsafe options (Optional::get in particular).

The following two pieces of code are equivalent:

R result = maybe.map(ifPresent).orElseGet(ifAbsent);
R result = Optionals.either(maybe, ifPresent, ifAbsent);

The advantages of the latter form are:

  • Naming: either is a more natural way of describing the two alternate possibilities
  • Coherence: there's a single expression which is incomplete without specifying both alternatives, so you can't ignore the negative case
  • Focus: once you've decided what to do in the positive case, there's only one shape of negative case to consider, unlike following map() where four alternatives exist.

Optionals.consume(Optional maybe, Consumer ifPresent, Runnable ifAbsent)

This is simply an implementation of Optionals.either which returns void.

Optionals.ifPresent() and Optionals.ifAbsent()

Optional already provides an ifPresent(Consumer) method, but does not have an equivalent overload for ifAbsent(). In the case where actions are required in both the positive and negative cases, then consume() is also available, but sometimes it's clearer to label them separately. Because of this, ifPresent() is implemented as a static method for consistency with ifAbsent.

For example:

maybe.ifPresent(x -> LOGGER.log("We got a thingy: " + x));
if(!maybe.isPresent()) {
   LOGGER.error("We didn't get a thingy at all :(");
                  x -> LOGGER.log("We got a thingy: " + x),
                  () -> LOGGER.error("We didn't get a thingy at all :("));
Optionals.ifPresent(maybe, x -> LOGGER.log("We got a thingy: " + x);
Optionals.ifAbsent(maybe, () -> LOGGER.log("We didn't get a thingy at all :("));

Optionals.stream(Optional maybe)

This is simply Optionals.either(maybe, Stream::of, Stream::empty), used to convert an Optional to a stream of length 1 (if present) or 0 (if absent). This is primarily used to replace




Note that from Java 9, Optional will implement stream() at which point this formulation will be obsoleted.