This is the official repository for PRoGAN.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PREGAN: Pose Randomization and Estimation for Weakly Paired Image Style Translation

The official repository for paper "PREGAN: Pose Randomization and Estimation for Weakly Paired Image Style Translation", accepted for IEEE Robotics & Automation Letters (RAL).


There are a few dependencies required to run the code. They are listed below:

System Environments:

Python 3.7

CUDA 10.1


Pip dependencies:










You can install these dependencies by changing your current directory to the PRoGAN directory and running:

pip install -r requirements.txt  

Or manually install the dependencies, and Conda or Virtualenv is recommended to use.

Using Pre-trained model

Download the model here:


Getting Started


If you want to train the Aeroground dataset or Carla dataset:

Prepare your own dataset:

mkdir datasets
cd datasets
# The dataset structure is shown as following:
├──Your dataset
  ├── trainA (realA images)
      ├── Image0001.jpg 
      └── ...
  ├── trainB (realB images)
      ├── Image0001.jpg
      └── ...
  ├── testA (testing realA images)
      ├── Image3000.jpg
      └── ... 
  ├── testb (testing realB images)
      ├── Image3000.jpg
      └── ... 

Example Usage


If you want to train the PRoGAN network, then run:

# on aeroground
python main.py --phase train --aeroground
# on weakPaired
python main.py --phase train --carla
# on other dataset
python main.py --phase train --name training_name --batch_size 1  --netG resnet_9blocks --load_size 256 --dataset your_dataset --input_nc your_image_channel --output_nc your_image_channel 

Training visualize

To visualize the training process, you can run:

# use visdom
python -m visdom.server # http://localhost:8097
# use tensorboard
python tensorboard --logdir checkpoints/log/your_training_name/

Training options

By default, this will train the network on the stereo_to_aerial dataset with the batch size of 1, learning rate of 0.00015 and run on GPU 0. There are several settings you can change by adding arguments below:

Arguments What it will trigger Default
--gpu_ids The ids of gpu to use 0
--checkpoints_dir The place to save models './checkpoints/'
--input_nc The channel of input image 3
--output_nc The channel of output image 3
--batch_size The batch size of input 1
--load_size The size of input image for network (128 / 256) 128
--continue_train Continue to train
--epoch The start epoch for continuing to train 'latest'
--phase Choose to train or validate (train / val) 'train'
--lr The learning rate for training 0.00015
--train_writer_path Where to write the Log of training './checkpoints/log/'
--val_writer_path Where to save the images of validating './outputs/'
--aeroground Use dataset: AeroGround
--carla Use dataset: WeakPaired


To validate on the dataset, you could run:

# on aeroground
python main.py --phase val --aeroground
# on your dataset
python main.py --phase val --name training_name --batch_size 1  --netG resnet_9blocks --load_size 256 --dataset your_dataset --input_nc your_image_channel --output_nc your_image_channel --epoch your_test_epoch

Then your test images will be output to './outputs/' folder as default.