=========================================================================== This project is deprecated. You might try any future nng Python bindings or simply use PyZMQ since version 0.17 gets rid of custom event loop. =========================================================================== Aionn is Python asyncio messaging library based on `nanomsg` and `nnpy`. Features - simple API consistent with `nnpy` Python library - no custom event loop The `aionn` API follows API of the `nnpy` Python library. The only difference is that the `aionn.Socket.recv` and `aionn.Socket.send` methods are coroutines. Example of pull socket:: import asyncio import aionn socket = aionn.Socket(aionn.AF_SP, aionn.PULL) socket.bind('tcp://*:5555') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() value = loop.run_until_complete(socket.recv()) print(value) Example of push socket:: import asyncio import aionn socket = aionn.Socket(aionn.AF_SP, aionn.PUSH) socket.connect('tcp://localhost:5555') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(socket.send('some data')) See also `examples` directory. Requirements - `nnpy` ver. 1.3 - `nanomsg` ver. 1.0 - Python ver. 3.5 The `aionn` library is licensed under terms of GPL license, version 3, see `COPYING <http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/decotengu.git/plain/COPYING>`_ file for details.