
A sample API for the We The People petition app running on WhiteHouse.gov

Primary LanguagePython

##We The People API## This is a sample API for the We The People petition application run on WhiteHouse.gov.

##The API## WeThePeopleAPI is a Django Application with an implementation of the Django REST Framework (the "api" app).

###GET and POST### Interact with the API by browsing to (or making requests with): http://your-domain.com/petitions/ http://your-domain.com/petitions/{petition-id}/ http://your-domain.com/petitions/{petition-id}/signatures/ http://your-domain.com/petitions/{petition-id}/signatures/{signature-id}

The Django REST Framework has an extremely friendly interface to interact with this data, providing a graphical means to submit both GET and POST requests. Further, data can be pulled and pushed in various formats easily specified in the URL by appending a value such as ?format=json


The proper Django environment can be easily configured by using the PIP python package manager and the requirements.txt file, read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pip\_(python).

####Requirements.txt#### Django==1.4 URLObject==2.0.2 argparse==1.2.1 distribute==0.6.24 djangorestframework==0.3.3 wsgiref==0.1.2 yolk==0.4.3

##Read More##

  1. http://cfasummercodeparty.wikispaces.com/Whitehouse+Petitions+API
  2. https://etherpad.mozilla.org/7flI23NLtC
  3. Based on this: http://www.dizzey.com/development/building-restful-api-with-django/
  4. And that: http://django-rest-framework.org/examples/blogpost.html
  5. Part of: http://oahack.wikispaces.org/