Wireless Networking in the Developing World WNDW

Digital source copy, forkable under CC-BY-SA license.


This repository contains:

  • WNDW source file translator's version (.odt)
  • WNDW html file saved by libreoffice from .odt (.html)
    • A cleaned version is also available with relative urls.
      • With VIM, I used :%s/src="\./src="src/g
  • WNDW markdown file converted using following procedure (.md)
    • Install Pandoc
    • Execute cat src/WNDW_UsTrade6_master#1.42.html | pandoc -s -r html -o wndw.md +RTS -K500M -RTS
      • The +RTS -Ksize -RTS is to handle a haskell stack space overflow by bumping a memory limit up. Here one needs 500M of memory available.
    • Do a search/replace to update image locations in markdown.
      • With VIM, I used :%s/\!\[\](\./\!\[\](src/g
  • WNDW mediawiki markup file converted from markdown (.wiki)
    • Execute cat wndw.md | pandoc -s -S -r mediawiki -o wndw.wiki