
Yeoman generator for docker4drupal stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


https://npmjs.org/package/generator-docker4drupal https://david-dm.org/pauloamgomes/generator-docker4drupal

  A basic generator for docker4drupal stack that permits easily the generation of a docker4drupal (drupal 7 or 8) project.


First, install Yeoman and generator-docker4drupal using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g generator-docker4drupal


Generate your new project:

$ mkdir drupal8
$ cd drupal 8
$ yo docker4drupal

Generated project will contain the following structure:

+-- docker4drupal.sh
+-- mysql.sh
+-- drush.sh
+-- certs
|   +-- cert.pem
|   +-- key.pem
+-- docker
|   +-- docker-compose.yml
|   +-- docker-sync.yml
|   +-- examples
|       +-- development.services.yml
|       +-- settings.local.php
+-- docroot


The certs folder provides pre-generated self signed certificates for using https when accessing Drupal.

The docker/examples folder provides recommended settings for generated Drupal project.

The docroot folder will be populated with vanilla Drupal from docker4drupal when containers are initialised, if instead custom was used, its required to manual add the Drupal files in docroot/web.

The bash script file docker4drupal.sh can be used for various operations:

    USAGE: ./docker4drupal.sh [OPTIONS]


      start       Starts docker-sync and docker-compose containers.
      stop        Stops docker-sync and docker-compose containers.
      shell       Opens a bash shell in the docker php container.
                  Use ./docker4drupal.sh shell root to run as root.
      status      Display status of running containers.
      hosts       Add container endpoints to /etc/hosts file (requires sudo).
                  Use sudo ./docker4drupal.sh hosts
      recreate    Recreates all containers (ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED)
      drush       Run drush command inside php container
      reinstall   Forces installation of drupal
      db-backup   Creates a database dump
      db-restore  Restores a database dump
      db-cli      Opens the mysql cli
      help        Display list of useful docker commands.

When using vanilla option when running ./docker4drupal.sh start for the first time, Drupal will be automatically installed.  

Getting To Know Yeoman

  • Yeoman has a heart of gold.

  • Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.

  • Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.

  • Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.



MIT © [Paulo Gomes]