
A Telegram bot to rate dishes in my institute cafeteria. Also features on-demand and daily menu updates.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is a Telegram bot to rate cafeteria dishes in my institute. Apart from that, it features on-demand or daily updates on the menu.

User commands

  • rate given day's dishes with /rate command
  • see the current rating results with /stats command
  • get current menu with /menu command
  • subsribe to (/sub) and unsubscribe from (/unsub) daily menu updates

How it works

  • message_handler.py is a script that handles all incoming messages. It should be running permanently. It handles all bot logic by itself, apart from dish rating. This, due to larger complexity then the rest of the logic, is done in a separate module Ratings.py. This module implements a class RatingHandler. An object of this class is created when a user requests any rating-related functionality of the bot (and exists just to handle this request).
  • daily_cleanup.py should be run daily in the evening. It flushes the rating database ratings_db.json and archives the daily statistics as well as makes a backup of the subscribers database db.json. The daily statistics are stored in stats_archive/ while user database backup in subscribers_archive/
  • both db.json and ratings_db.json are simple databases implemented using the TinyDB package
  • menu_scrapper.py scraps the menu from the Institute website using BeautifulSoup and saves it to files named from Monday.txt till Friday.txt. In principle it is enough to run it on Monday when a new weekly menu is updated but due to possible changes I run it daily.
  • the Telegram API token is stored in token.txt file, which is obviously not included in the repository

Additional screenshots