
Apni Career Webapp

💽 Installation Instructions

If you want to work with this project make sure to follow the steps below!

  1. Make sure to install Node
  2. Create a project folder
$ mkdir apnicareer-Website
$ cd apnicareer-Website
  1. Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/akhil-s-kumar/apnicareer-webapp.git
$ cd apnicareer-webapp
  1. Open in VS Code
code .

🚀 Quick start

  1. Run apnicareer site.
npm start

Your site is now running at localhost:3000

✨ How you can contribute to this project?

  1. Fork this project to your GitHub account
  2. Connect the cloned project folder to your forked GitHub repository.
  3. Find an issue or feature and work on it.
  4. Make a pull request.